noise control criteria 噪声控制准则 noise suppression control 噪声抑制控制 相似单词 vibration n. 1.[U,C]振动;颤动 2.[C]【物】(偏离平衡位置的)一次往复振动 3.[vibrations]【俚】(由某人、事物、地方等引起的)感触,感受 noise n. 1.[C,U]噪音,杂讯,响声,喧闹 2.[pl]应酬话 v. 1.[T]谣...
Data Physics has pioneered high- performance vibration control and analysis processes to the noise and vibration community since 1984. With the recent addition of a full line of electrodynamic shakers to complement its vibration controllers and dynamic signal analyzers, Data Physics is a leading provide...
Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control, Cyril M. Harris, McGraw Hill, 1991. Noise and Vibration Control Engineering, L. Beranek editor, John Wiley and Son, 1992, pp 429-450 12.2 可能的解决方案 解决振动问题的最好办法是首先避免振动。好设计远比建立一个糟糕的设计,并在以后不得不修...
Noise and vibration controlM. L. Manjal
Control of Noise & Vibration 噪声与振动控制 • Noise and Vibration can be controlled by using four methods 噪声和振动可以用四种方法控制: –––– Barrier 屏障 Absorption 吸收 structural damping 结构阻尼 vibration isolation 振动隔离 Control of Noise & Vibration 噪声与振动控制 • In general, comb...
We design and manufacture noise and vibration control solutions that outperform competitor alternatives. DTI has been addressing noise and vibration problems in the world’s most demanding applications for over 30 years. Our innovative approach and unmatched experience produces lightweight, cost effective,...
1.The key tonoise and vibration controlis how to identify the sources of noise and vibration can only if the sources of noise of vibration are found, the noise and vibration can be controlled effectively.噪声与振动控制关键的就是对噪声与振动源的识别分析。
20. Criteria for Noise in Buildings and Communities (Leo L. Beranek). 21. Acoustical Standards for Noise and Vibration Control (Angelo Campanella, Paul Schomer and Laura Ann Wilber). Appendix A. General References. Appendix B. American System of Units. ...
The key to noise and vibration control is how to identify the sources of noise and vibration can only if the sources of noise of vibration are found, the noise and vibration can be controlled effectively. 噪声与振动控制关键的就是对噪声与振动源的识别分析。 更多例句>> 3) Brake Vibration &...
噪音和振动控制手册Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control - 2007 - Crocker - Frontmatter.pdf,HANDBOOK OF NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. Edited by Malcolm J. Crocker Copyright © 2007 John Wiley Sons, Inc. 1 0 . 1 0