Same here, I want to use node --import tsimp/import, instead of node --loader ts-node/esm. Currently, I am using a mentioned workaround with execMap: { "ext": "ts", + "execMap": { + "ts": "node" + }, "env": { "NODE_OPTIONS": "--import tsimp/import" } } Owner ...
{"scripts": {"watch":"nodemon --watch './**/*.{ts,graphql}' --exec 'node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --loader ts-node/esm' src/index.ts","dev":"tsc-watch --onSuccess \"npm run watch\""}} tscwill write the JavaScript files into the specifiedoutDirlocation (seetscon...
其中一些错误是: D:\Discord Bot\Space Network\spacenetwork\node_modules 浏览20提问于2021-05-30得票数 0 2回答 所以我想在崩溃时重启nodejs服务器 、、 所以我想在崩溃时重启nodejs服务器。我使用这个命令运行脚本。nodemon -r esm app.js 我尝试了永远,但不知何故无法找到正确的命令来打包"nodemon -...
ts-node is the standard for running typescript node programs on development mode. Adding this line will enable everyone with a tsconfig.json to have a full-refresh server watching experience. (:
"build": "tsc -w ./src/crawler.ts", "build-all": "tsc -w",- "auto": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js ./dist/app.js",+ "auto": "nodemon node ./dist/app.js","test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" ...
🎭 Playwright 实现的 Node.js 中间件 API 服务, 替换 Puppeteer, 基于 ESM + Rollup + Koa + TypeScript + Nodemon + PM2 + ESLint (v9) 用于快速爬取并合并多网页到 PDF 文件、图片高保真快照, 支持热更新、Cookie 、水印、页眉页脚注入 - pdsuwwz/koa-playwright-serv