以下终端运行结果: v1.0* $ nodemon 02.,模块化路由.js zsh: permission denied: nodemon yangqing@KimdeMac-Book-air ~/VS code/6.Node/day4/code v1.0* $ sudo nodemon 02.,模块化路由.js [9:25:46] Password: Sorry, try again. Password: sudo: nodemon: command not found 直接安装命令npm ins...
运行start-script / w本地nodemon / mocha / babel-node时,Linux上的Node中的“Permission Denied”问题描述 投票:4回答:3我遇到了新的Linux设置问题 - 我已将nodemon安装为本地依赖项(非全局),我正在尝试从我的package.json“start”-script执行它。我收到此权限错误。 node本身效果很好,但是一旦我尝试使用...
I will show you how toinstall nodemonin different operating systems correctly. 1.1 How to install nodemon in Ubuntuor Mac OScorrectly Make sure you haveinstalled npmandNode jsin your system and checked npm version. Check out my post on “npm command not found” error, in case you get the ...
error:[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...解决方法:输入:firstServer edz$ lsof -i tcp:3000 ^CedzdeMacBook-Air:firstServer edz$ lsof -i tcp:3000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME Google 373 edz 20u IPv6 0x24a988475a8be9bb 0t0 TCP ...
Navigate to `./src/App.js` and change anything. Hit save. Then error will pop up/ Then error will pop up. This issue is stopping our whole team from using WebStorm in Windows. Things are all fine with Atom IDE (thus we are forced to use ATOM...
v1.0* $ nodemon 02.,模块化路由.js zsh: permission denied: nodemon yangqing@KimdeMac-Book-air ~/VS code/6.Node/day4/code v1.0* $ sudo nodemon 02.,模块化路由.js [9:25:46] Password: Sorry, try again. Password: sudo: nodemon: command not found 直接安装命令npm install -g nodemon,...
v1.0* $ nodemon 02.,模块化路由.js zsh: permission denied: nodemon yangqing@KimdeMac-Book-air ~/VS code/6.Node/day4/code v1.0* $ sudo nodemon 02.,模块化路由.js [9:25:46] Password: Sorry, try again. Password: sudo: nodemon: command not found 直接安装命令npm install -g nodemon,...