4-使用方法发送电子邮件:// sending with callbacktransporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error: Error | null, info: nodemailer.SentMessageInfo): void => { // code })// sending with promissetransporter .sendMail(mailOptions) .then( (info : SentMessageInfo) => info.messageId) .catch( (...
For anything related to TypeScript, you need to directly contact the authors of the type definitions. I have a different problem If you are having issues with Nodemailer, then the best way to find help would be Stack Overflow or revisit the docs. License Nodemailer is licensed under the MIT...
Updated Feb 11, 2025 TypeScript EricKit / nest-user-auth Star 294 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A starter build for a back end which implements managing users with MongoDB, Mongoose, NestJS, Passport-JWT, and GraphQL. nodejs graphql mongo node mongodb authentication backend jest...
Nodemailer has official support for Node.js only. For anything related to TypeScript, you need to directly contact the authors of thetype definitions. I have a different problem If you are having issues with Nodemailer, then the best way to find help would beStack Overflowor revisit thedocs....
Nodemailer has official support for Node.js only. For anything related to TypeScript, you need to directly contact the authors of thetype definitions. I have a different problem If you are having issues with Nodemailer, then the best way to find help would beStack Overflowor revisit thedocs....
Get Started with TypeScript Made Easy: Create a New Project in 30 seconds! Learn Node Setup, Install TypeScript & run a first file. March 3rd, 2024 Testing Next Auth email magic links with Playwright and MailSlurp Testing Next Auth email magic links with Playwright and MailSlurp Next Auth ...
Nodemailer has official support for Node.js only. For anything related to TypeScript, you need to directly contact the authors of thetype definitions. I have a different problem If you are having issues with Nodemailer, then the best way to find help would beStack Overflowor revisit thedocs....
我创建了一个自定义面板插件(TypeScript + React),它可以从ElasticSearch获取数据来监视我们的系统。带有自定义逻辑的插件(基于数据)显示系统的状态。现在我想发送一封电子邮件到一个短信网关(甚至语音网关)。这仅仅意味着将一封电子邮件发送到一个特定的电子邮件地址,其中包含主题中的电话号码和一个具有特定格式的正文。
npm install nodemailer-pug-engine Usage // typescriptimport{pugEngine}from"nodemailer-pug-engine";// javascriptconst{pugEngine}=require("nodemailer-pug-engine");constmailer=createTransport(...)mailer.use('compile',pugEngine({templateDir:__dirname+'/templates',pretty:true}));mailer.sendMail({to:...
Using typescript you can coerce the NodemailerMock type. /** * Jest Test * ./__tests__/my-test.js **/import{ expect, test }from'@jest/globals';// 'nodemailer' is automatically mocked in ./__mocks__/nodemailer.jsimport*asnodemailerfrom'nodemailer';import{ NodemailerMock }from'nodemailer...