accessToken 5.2 配置 OAuth2 constnodemailer=require('nodemailer');consttransporter=nodemailer.createTransport({service:'gmail',auth:{type:'OAuth2',user:'',clientId:'your_client_id',clientSecret:'your_client_secret',refreshToken:'your_refresh_token',accessToken:'your_access_...
使用Outlook(或Hotmail)帐户发送 与Gmail或Zoho不同, Outlook在端口587中使用TLS加密。在这种情况下, 我们需要禁用默认的安全连接以使用SSLv3加密启用TLS。 var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); // Create the transporter with the required configuration for Outlook // change the user and pass ! var trans...
注册一个域名邮箱用来发信但是后端配置了还是死活登录不上 outlook 365 的 smtp 用的 OAuth 2.0 账号安全组已经关闭 账号 SMPT 已经开启 实在没办法解决了 求大牛们帮帮忙 可有偿 Nodejs:Outlook 365 使用 nodemailer 提示 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful 2楼•2 个月前 遇到使用nodemailer发送邮件到 Outlo...
我使用Google功能通过Nodemailer发送电子邮件,邮件是通过Oauth2认证的。这似乎没有任何问题,电子邮件被发送,也显示在我的gmail帐户发送的电子邮件,但它们实际上从来没有到达我的其他电子邮件地址.有人知道为什么吗?这是我的密码 name: "", hos
Start using dns.resolve() instead of dns.lookup() for resolving SMTP hostnames. Might be breaking change on some environments so upgrade with care Show more logs for renewing OAuth2 tokens, previously it was not possible to see what actually failed...
在长时间探索如何使用OAuth2从服务器发送电子邮件之后,我以这个工作示例结束。1.创建应用程序 1.在{您的APP管理面板}〉API权限〉添加权限〉Microsoft Graph〉应用程序权限〉邮件.发送〉添加权限中添加权限 1.创建证书以获取客户端密码{您的应用程序管理面板}〉证书和...
Issue#749nodemailer ETIMEDOUT when trying to send mail in Outlook Issue#176Error: connect ETIMEDOUT code: 'ETIMEDOUT', errno: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' A blog from stackoverflow's answersending-mail-with-gmail-using-xoauth2 Tried with Google OAuth2, allowed the ports (587 and 465) on...
service: 'Outlook365', auth: { type: 'OAuth2', user: 'email address removed for privacy reasons', accessToken: accessToken, } }); const mailOptions = { from: 'email address removed for privacy reasons', to: 'email address removed for privacy re...
itpro" and "office-exchange-online-itpro" are for general issues related to outlook desktop client or Exchange online, and my personal knowledge about developing is quite limited, so I am afraid little I can help regarding your question about setting up OAuth 2L using server to server ...