code: "use strict"; const nodemailer = require("nodemailer"); const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ host: "", port: 465, secure: true, auth。: { // TODO: replace `user` and `pass` values from <> user: "REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-ALIAS@YOU...
类库依赖 npm install nodemailer --save 导入 const nodemailer = require("nodemailer"); 关键点 ...
NodeJS CI jenkins网站node.js编程算法自动化 nodejs 所需的核心库动手写 core code 邮件配置 WebHooks 配置😊 这次自己写了一个基于 nodejs 的自动化部署的工具,因为之前在用 jenkins 由于 jenkins 比较强大,而且比较笨重,对于我来说只是用来部署一个前端 application 而已,所以没必要用这样比较完善的工具,毕竟...
res.json({ code:200, data:'发送成功' }) console.log('mail sent:', info.response) } }) }) // 获取本地ip constip = (() =>{ letinterfaces =require("os").networkInterfaces(); for(letdevNameininterfaces) { letiface = interfaces[devName]; for(leti =0; i < iface.length; i++...
This package is a zero-config helper function to help you send emails in your nodejs apps using nodemailer 🚀🚀 this package provides support for the following transports Gmail SMTP What you need to use this package Intall this package into your project using any package manager npm npm ...
Code Issues Pull requests An awesome tour booking web app written in NodeJS, Express, MongoDB 🗽 (NB: This is es6 version but you can find the es5 version in 'es5-version' branch. And as it's free deployed server, could take few moments for first time rendering. Thank you) nodej...
ES6 codebase– fewer chances of memory leaks from hoistedvar’s Autogenerated test email accounts Requirements Node.js v6.0.0or newer. That’s all you need. If you’re running Node.js version 6 or later, you can use Nodemailer. There are no specific platform or resource...
code:400, data:'邮箱格式错误' }) return } console.log(req.body) constsenderEmail={// 发信人信息 host:'',// 163邮箱 为 port:465,// 端口 service:'163', user:'',// 发件人邮箱账号 pass:'xxxxxxxxxxxx',// 发件人邮箱的授权码 这里可以通过邮箱...
Nodemailer allows you to write code once and then swap out the transport so you can use different accounts on different providers. On top of that it's a super solid way of sending emails quickly on your node app(s). The Mailgun transport for nodemailer is great to use when SMTP is blo...
选用的Nodejs 作为实现语言,那就用Nodemailer来发吧 上Demo代码测试一下 const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");//async..await is not allowed in global scope, must use a wrapperasyncfunctionmain() {//Generate test SMTP service account from needed if you don't have a real...