1:读取文件内容并把读取到的内容以换行符切割成数组 2:向数组的插入内容(用splice向固定的下表插入内容) 3:把数组再转成字符串(使用join方法,join方法的参数也是换行符),然后转化后的字符串再写入原文件 varfs = require('fs');varpath = require('path');//往固定的行写入数据functionwriteFileToLine(value...
Node.js Version: 10.1.0 OS: Windows/Ubuntu Scope: code Module: Readfile Background Dear awesome people, I am trying to read a several GB sized file line by line. I want to process each line and after that write it to a file. I don't want...
To read the entire file into a string asynchronously –require("fs").readFile("FILE.TXT", "utf8", (err, data) => { console.log(data); }); Read a file into a string synchronously –var data = require("fs").readFileSync("FILE.TXT", "utf8"); Read a file line-by-line. const...
(logString); 于是,可以用比较取巧的方式来实现目的:声明一个带write方法的对象...var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var morgan = require('morgan'); // 带write方法的对象...var dbStream = { write: function(line){ saveToDatabase(line); // 伪代码,保存到数据库 } }...
nodejs文件系统模块中的方法均有异步和同步版本 比如读取文件内容的函数有 异步的fs.readFile() 和 同步的 fs.readFileSync()。 异步的方法函数 最后一个 参数为 回调函数 回调函数的 第一个参数 包含了错误信息 建议使用异步方法 性能更高 速度更快 ...
{"cmd":["node","$file"],"file_regex":"^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)","selector":"source.javascript"} 4.保存文件为NodeJs.sublime-build 5.菜单上找到Tools ---> Build System --->选择 NodeJs 6.安装Package Control;运行Sublime,按下快捷键Ctrl + `;在控制台中输入如下...
letcheckCategory= category => {lettoWrite = logCache[category];if(toWrite) {deletelogCache[category];letnow =newDate();letfile = logPath +'/'+ now.Format(logPrefixFormat) +'.'+ category + (useHourSuffix ?'_'+ now.getHours() :'') +'.csv';lets = fs.createWriteStream(file, {...
leakage- Write memory leak tests. llnode- Post-mortem analysis tool which allows you to inspect objects and get insights from a crashed Node.js process. thetool- Capture different CPU, memory, and other profiles for your app in Chrome DevTools friendly format. ...
const ejs = require('ejs'); // 导入ejs库,用于渲染模板 const fs = require('node:fs'); // 导入fs模块,用于文件系统操作 const marked = require('marked'); // 导入marked库,用于将Markdown转换为HTML const readme = fs.readFileSync('README.md'); // 读取README.md文件的内容 const browser...
tObj.addLineBreak()//换行//定义内容let pObj =docx.createP() pObj.addText(content, { font_size:14, font_face:'Arial'})returndocx; } let fileNameArr= [];//文件名数组,用于文件重名判断asyncfunctiongenerateWordFile (params, index) { ...