需要本地安装三个东西: npminstall--global--productionwindows-build-tools 补充一下什么是windows-build-tools:windows-build-tools:使用npm安装Windows的C ++构建工具 npminstallbluetooth-hci-socket npm install noble 根据文章的代码,提取测试demo constnoble=require('noble');noble.on('stateChange',function(stat...
installing the Windows 8.1 SDK installing the Windows 10 SDK opening a shell, post-install, and running: Notice how it's using the path for V120, but likely passing msbuild the params for 140. I tried to work around this by doing the following: ...
test.h、test.cc #ifndefSAMPLE_TEST_H#defineSAMPLE_TEST_H#include<napi.h>#include<windows.h>#include<sstream>#include<thread>Napi::Valueplus(constNapi::CallbackInfo& info);#endif #include"test.h"Napi::Valueplus(constNapi::CallbackInfo& info){ Napi::Env env = info.Env();Napi::Escapable...
nodejs-github-botaddedbuildIssues and PRs related to build files or the CI.toolsIssues and PRs related to the tools directory.labelsNov 21, 2018 bzozmentioned this pull requestNov 21, 2018 Broken build on Windowsnodejs/node-v8#89 Closed ...
repo: GitHub - nodejs/node: Node.js JavaScript runtime vcbuild.bat 是一个 Windows 平台下的批处理脚本,用于构建 Node.js 源代码。它使用 Visual Studio 的命令行工具 msbuild 来编译和链接 Node.js 的 C++ …
主要是windows平台缺少编译环境, 1、先运行: npm install -g node-gyp 2、然后运行:运行 npm install --global --production windows-build-tools 可以自动安装跨平台的编译器 npm uninstall node-sass npm i node-sass--sass_binary_site=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass/ ...
If you are using Node.js professionally, find performance speed and system call compatibility important, want to runDocker containersthat leverage Linux workspaces and avoid having to maintain both Linux and Windows build scripts, or just prefer using a Bash command line, theninstall Node.js on Wi...
(most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "/tmp/pip-build...
通过百度,发现微软已经提供命令行编译器: visual c++ build tools 。 对于我来说,我只需要安装windows版本的c++编译器以及c语言运行库(crt)和c++标准库(stl),而 visual c++ build tools 正符合我的需求。 下载并安装 visual c++ build tools: http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools下载visual...
乘风破浪,遇见最美Windows 11之适用于Linux的Windows子系统 - 两种开启姿势(商店安装+内置启用)并运行GUI 检查是否安装成功 wsl -l -v 安装Node版本管理器 Node版本管理器(通常称为Node Version Manager,nvm)是安装多个版本的Node.js的最常见方法,建议使用版本管理器,因为版本变更速度非常快。你可能需要根据所使用的...