application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8','Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, sdch, br','Accept-Language':'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.6','Cache-Control':'max-age=0','Cookie':'_ga=GA1.2.1653214693.1476773935;...
直接使用ffmpeg很有挑战性,我不推荐这样做。相反,我确实推荐您引用的videoshow npm。它也可能是棘手的...
'image': '123wejdsefberfkj.jpg', 'video': '23rusdjf8ioysdfs.mp4' } Create function: 在这里,我从form-data获取文件,为文件创建唯一的名称并将其保存在PostgreSQL中,然后将文件保存在“静态”文件夹中。 let videoName = uuid.v4() + '.mp4'; let imageName = uuid.v4() + '.jpg'; let {na...
A lightweight open-source video cloud based on Nodejs, SRS, FFmpeg, WebRTC, etc. Other more use scenarios is on the way, please readthis post. Architecture The architecture ofsrs-cloudbymermaid Note: It's a single node, also light-weighted, video cloud for tiny company, personal user an...
这种方法其实就是mime模块实现的基础。如前所述,mime是设定文件类型的,css,html文件的类型归类是"text/",但是视频文件3gp等是"video/",图片文件jpeg是"image/",··· 互联网上还有很多很多的格式,而我们又必须它们一个一个都实现,这才有了统一又方便可重用的mime模块 文末也...
bufferToImage(imgFile) document.getElementById('myImg').src = img.src } Creating a Canvas Element from an Image or Video Element <img id="myImg" src="images/example.png" /> <video id="myVideo" src="media/example.mp4" /> const canvas1 = faceapi.createCanvasFromMedia(document.get...
Your compass to Node.js Prerequisites Basic knowledge of JavaScript Basic HTML/CSS Knowledge Assume you know how to install node I will be referring to Node.js as Node going forward in the article. I may interchange the term, but I mean the same. ...
socket.emit("Done",{Image:"Video/"+Name+".jpg"}); 9 } This ffmpeg command will generate one thumbnail at the 1:30 mark and save it to theVideo/folder with a.jpgfile type. You can edit the time of the thumbnail by changing the-ssparameter. Once the thumbnail has been generated, ...
'-f image2','-vf fps=fps=1/2','-q:v 0'])// .videoFilter('fps=fps=1/2')// .takeScreenshots({ // //timemarks: [ '00:00:02.000' ],// size: '150x100',// filename:'thumbnail-at-%s-%00i-seconds.jpg'// } // , 'D:/desktop/testfile');command .on(...
bufferToImage(imgFile) document.getElementById('myImg').src = img.src } Creating a Canvas Element from an Image or Video Element <img id="myImg" src="images/example.png" /> <video id="myVideo" src="media/example.mp4" /> const canvas1 = faceapi.createCanvasFromMedia(document.get...