2、clientRes: 客户端响应,参考http.ServerResponse 3、proxyReq: 服务端请求,参考http.IncomingMessage 4、proxyRes: 服务端响应,参考http.ServerResponse 5、ssl: 该请求是否为https 6、next: 回调函数,执行完拦截逻辑后调用该方法 responseInterceptor: (clientReq, clientRes, proxyReq, proxyRes, ssl, next) =...
参数说明: 1、requestOptions:客户端请求参数 2、clientReq: 参考http.IncomingMessage3、clientRes: 参考http.ServerResponse4、ssl: 该请求是否为https 5、next: 回调函数,执行完拦截逻辑后调用该方法 requestInterceptor: (requestOptions, clientReq, clientRes, ssl, next) => {next(); } caCertPath CA根证书路...
对于FiddlerCore的替代品,我推荐Titanium-Web-Proxy。它是一个跨平台、轻量级、低内存、高性能的HTTP(S)代理服务器,使用C#开发,完全异步,支持多种功能,如redirect/block/update请求、支持更新Response、支持HTTP承载的WebSocket等。其安装和使用也相对简便,可以通过NuGet包管理器进行安装。 在Node.js环境中,虽然FiddlerC...
var proxy = require("anyproxy"); //create cert when you want to use https features //please manually trust this rootCA when it is the first time you run it !proxy.isRootCAFileExists() && proxy.generateRootCA(); var options = { type : "http", port : 8001, hostname : "localhost"...
varproxy=require("anyproxy");//create cert when you want to use https features//please manually trust this rootCA when it is the first time you run it!proxy.isRootCAFileExists()&&proxy.generateRootCA();varoptions={type:"http",port:8001,hostname:"localhost",rule:require("path/to/my/rule...
After configuring rootCA, anyproxy could help to decrypt https requests, whose approach is also called Man-In-The-Middle(MITM).step 1 - install opensslopenssl is availabe here : http://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Compilation_and_Installation using openssl version -a to make sure it is ...
Restore normal HTTP functionality by disabling Mitm & restoring any defined stubs. Clears references to any stateful properties such as the defined mocks or intercepted requests.If you're using YesNo in a test suite it's advisable to run this method after every test case....
proxy.isRootCAFileExists()&&proxy.generateRootCA();varoptions={type:"http",port:8001,hostname:"localhost",rule:require("path/to/my/ruleModule.js"),dbFile:null,// optional, save request data to a specified file, will use in-memory db if not specifiedwebPort:8002,// optional, port for...
var proxy = require("anyproxy"); //create cert when you want to use https features //please manually trust this rootCA when it is the first time you run it !proxy.isRootCAFileExists() && proxy.generateRootCA(); var options = { type : "http", port : 8001, hostname : "localhost"...