This object contains methods that are chainable like other libraries such as jQuery and popular request module Superagent (which this library is modeled after slightly). Example var Request =''); Request .header('Accept', 'application/json') .end(function...
get('').jar(CookieJar); unirest.cookie(String) Creates a cookie, see above for example. unirest.request mikeal/request library (the underlying layer of unirest) for direct use. Request Provides simple and easy to use methods for manipulating the request prior to ...
requestInterceptor 拦截客户端请求/响应 参数说明: 1、requestOptions:客户端请求参数 2、clientReq: 参考http.IncomingMessage3、clientRes: 参考http.ServerResponse4、ssl: 该请求是否为https 5、next: 回调函数,执行完拦截逻辑后调用该方法 requestInterceptor: (requestOptions, clientReq, clientRes, ssl, next) => ...
and Engine.IO is a lower level library. Socket.IO v0.9 appears to be somewhat outdated and Engine.IO is the interim successor until Socket.IO v1.0 is released — which will use Engine.IO. One major difference is that Engine.IO always establishes a long-polling connection first...
Net使用类库下载地址: NET中的Memcached.ClientLibrary使用详解参考地址: 解压,使用目录 ..\memcacheddotnet_clientlib-1.1.5\memcacheddotnet\trunk\clientlib\src\clientlib\bin...
[default: false] --use, -i Specifies an option to apply to the emitted builder utilized by your program, e.g. populateAccessors. --exports, -e Specifies the namespace to export. Defaults to export the root namespace. --dependency, -d Library dependency to use when generating classes. ...
--dependency, -d Library dependency to use when generating classes. Defaults to 'protobufjs' for CommonJS, 'ProtoBuf' for AMD modules and 'dcodeIO.ProtoBuf' for classes. 重点关注- -target就好,由于我们是在Node环境中使用,因此选择生成符合commonjs规范的文件。 Reds:一个Redis加Node.js的全文搜索引擎 Node.js与服务端模板引擎 ...
简单的说,dns.resolve* 是调用的是 c-ares (C library for asynchronous DNS requests) ares_query 执行的网络 DNS 查询,其请求最终是发送到 kube-dns 代理服务器, 但kube-dns 无法解析 gateway-service 这样的 hostname,所以总是返回 NXDomain 解析完成的内部域名是可以的,但是仅服务名是无法被解析的: ...
—dependency, -d Library dependency to use when generating classes. Defaults to ‘protobufjs’ for CommonJS, ‘ProtoBuf’ for AMD modules and ‘dcodeIO.ProtoBuf’ for classes.重点关注- -target就好,由于我们是在Node环境中使用,因此选择生成符合commonjs规范的文件。 命令如下: ./pbjs ../../lm....