But when I runnode test.jsI am getting this error: describe('Account', function() { ^ ReferenceError: describe is not defined at Object. (/test/test.js:9:1) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:...
3:1 error 'describe' is not defined no-undef 4:3 error 'test' is not defined no-undef 5:5 error 'expect' is not defined no-undef 有个文件的代码格式没通过,所以整个commit操作被拦截下来,无法成功commit。同理,如果lint命令通过,但test:unit命令没通过,也是会被拦截下来。 我们来修复下这个问题: ...
直接使用node example.spec.js方式运行时,会报错 describe('OK', function() {^ReferenceError: describeisnot defined at Object.<anonymous> (E:\code\selenium\OK.spec.js:7:1) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader...
};/* main.js */util.logger.log("This is pretty cool"); 我们可以看到main.js依赖于util/index.js,而util/index.js又依赖于util/logger.js。 这应该可以正常工作吧?也许不是。让我们运行命令: [~/src/examples/example-2]$ node main.jsReferenceError: logger is not defined ...
对于像我这样进入TypeScript的新开发者,我不知道你不必每次更新js文件时都运行tsc filename.ts命令。你...
When you have already registered (described) a model, it is not necessary to describe it again, simply use the RefTypeDescriber class and with this the system will simply map internally the reference to the described model if it exists, otherwise, you will have an error in the generated ...
Create documents that describe your standards and enforce them as much as you can. Ideally there should be only one way of doing a common task. If you don't have standards everybody in the team will be doing things differently and your system will be a mess. ...
Let's describe again in words, what's going on here: "Go to https://www.profesia.sk/praca/; Then paginate the root page, from 1 to 10; Then, on each pagination page, open every job ad; Then, collect the title, phone and images of each ad."...
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