解密支付退款通知参数 letresult=awaitpayment.decodeParams({"original_type":"refund","algorithm":"AEAD_AES_256_GCM","ciphertext":"d2Zi2VToOGXqB3K6bgQaFKktgA3AHm+cJg0vGZPcD22OUZ+CBymtrFJsFtaKKEwebSDN8Habic7NJVpKJpAxZd8ejm32v4UePg139/gj+X7vJtqB39ZkjZXLH973LT5R5yZQ351R3onlpx9JILN2+...
8)配置环境变量,nodejs安装完成后,会默认在系统path环境变量中配置node.exe的路径,打开cmd,输入node -v即可查看nodejs是否安装成功(如下图),可能你刚安装完,在cmd输入node -v不出现版本号,一般重启一下电脑就可以了。 9)npm相关,新版nodejs里集成了npm,只要nodejs安装成功,npm也应该安装成功,在cmd中输入npm -...
body); // 解密 ciphertext字符 AEAD_AES_256_GCM算法,验证消息来源 let ciphertext = body.resource.ciphertext; let nonce = body.resource.nonce; let associated_data = body.resource.associated_data; let apiv3key = "";//商户端的APIV3密钥,在网页中设置 ciphertext = Buffer.from(ciphertext, '...
Upon closer inspection, Node.js has never treated these algorithms as proper AEAD ciphers. In versions that do not throw when using them, they do not guarantee authenticity. tniessen changed the titleError: Trying to add data in unsupported stateAES-256-CBC-HMAC-SHA256 and similar ciphers are...
[cecec46204] - crypto: add test case for AES key wrapping (Yihong Wang) #20587 [34d67085d5] - crypto: allocate more memory for cipher.update() (Yihong Wang) #20370 [2b2ccae390] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: support authTagLength in GCM encryption (Tobias Nießen) #20235 [1e5de6fe...
AEAD AES 128-bit GCM top EncryptSb var status = EncryptSb(sbIn, bdOut);· Returns Boolean (true for success, false for failure).· sbIn StringBuilder· bdOut BinDataIntroduced in version the contents of sbIn to bdOut. The minimal set of properties that should be set ...