淘宝NPM 镜像站喊你切换新域名啦! npm config set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com 1. 注意:原域名https://registry.npm.taobao.org/在 2022.06.30 号正式下线和停止 DNS 解析 查看镜像使用状态 npm config get registry 1.
Star33.5k New issue Open rawbin-opened this issueJul 4, 2017· 3 comments rawbin-commentedJul 4, 2017 nvm node_mirror nvm list available works fine nvm node_mirror https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/ nvm list available does not list anything ...
My Environment Windows 10 My Windows installation is non-English. While typing nvm in cmd, I got help message saying nvm node_mirror [url] can set the node mirror to a different URL. But it seems not to work and is not mentioned in READM...
项目根目录下.npmrc内没有registry配置,或者他是一个非旧 Taobao 源的配置(比如私有源),你又想强制设定他为新 Taobao 源时。
npm.taobao.org/mirrors 镜像URL,会覆盖下文中的{bin-mirrors} --apt-mirrors-prefix=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn 镜像URL,会覆盖下文中的{apt-mirrors} --ali-mirrors-prefix=https://mirrors.aliyun.com
Update npm.taobao.org to npmmirror.com (#85) May 21, 2023 README MIT license mirror-config-china 为中国内地的Node.js开发者准备的镜像配置,大大提高node模块安装速度。 特性 支持Windows和其他操作系统 自动配置各个node模块的安装源为淘宝镜像
第一步 在 nexus Repositories 建立 raw proxy 远程库使用阿里的 https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass/ 第二步 在 .npmrc 文件中配置 sass_binary_site _auth=xxxx sass_binary_site=http://nexus.xxx.com/repository/npm-node-sass-mirror-proxy