Torch Elastic自然是可以,一般做法是经常保存模型,然后出问题Torch Elastic会重启所有节点,重启的时候恢复...
3 months Node Address: Runtimes: runc Default Runtime: runc Security Options: seccomp Kernel Version: 3.10.0-327.28.2.el7.x86_64 Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) OSType: linux Architecture: x86_64 CPUs: 1 Total Memory: 993.3 MiB Name: plkrdockmasterq1 ID: 6AMN:CCVW...
Description:If TAKE_OVERTCCONF (from master) arrives *before* node has received NODE_FAILREP for that node, there is a theoretical race-condition. This bug was introduced when fixing a series of cascading master failures. This causes * testNodeRestart -nBug25364T1 * testNodeRestart -nBug287...
Hello I have 2 node failover cluster based on server 2016 server. node1 is owner of cluster. I cant ping cluster network name only from cluster's owner. So I...
Hello I have 2 node failover cluster based on server 2016 server. node1 is owner of cluster. I cant ping cluster network name only from cluster's owner. So I cant ping cluster name from node2 and o...Show More clustering Management Networking Windows Server...
struct clusterNodeFailReport { //报告目标节点已经下线的节点 struct clusterNode *node;// 最后一次从node 节点收到下线报告的时间 //程序使用这个时间戳来检查下线报告是否过期 //(与当前时间相差太久的下线报告会被删除) mstime_t time; } typedef clusterNodeFailReport; ...
Node 1: Node 1 Down : Forced node shutdown completed. Caused by error 2305: 'Node lost connection to other nodes and can not form a unpartitioned cluster, please investigate if there are error(s) on other node(s)(Arbitration error). Temporary error, restart node'. ...
Good day, Hope someone can assist or point me in the right direction. Our 7 node failover cluster when unstable on Thursday last week. eventually we turned off all vm's and rebooted the hosts. all working again :) we then looked and the logs and see one of out hosts had a bugcheck...
overcloud.NodeDPDKv2.3.NodeDPDKv2: resource_type: OS::TripleO::NodeDPDKv2Server physical_resource_id: 248e9cef-e3d7-4f1c-be31-ed7d80ee5932 status: CREATE_FAILED status_reason: | ResourceInError: resources.NodeDPDKv2: Went to status ERROR due to "Message: Exceeded maximum number of ...
First node k3s with cluster-init can start success, but any Second node k3s cannot start. Steps To Reproduce: On a MacOS Big Sur start vm with multipass: multipass launch jammy --name k3s-master-01 --cpus 1 --memory 4G --disk 10G --network en0 ...