| 1 | 创建一个Pod,并指定Node Selectors | | 2 | 在Pod的规范中定义Node Selector标签 | | 3 | 部署Pod到Kubernetes集群中 | | 4 | 确认Pod被调度到我们指定的节点上 | ## 代码示例 ### 步骤 1: 创建一个Pod,并指定Node Selectors 首先,让我们创建一个简单的Pod,并指定Node Selectors。我们可以在...
使用nodeSelectors启动守护进程的一个示例场景是在Kubernetes集群中运行一个需要与特定硬件设备交互的后台进程。可以通过给节点打上特定的标签,然后使用nodeSelectors将具备特定硬件设备的节点选中,并在这些节点上启动守护进程。 在腾讯云产品中,可以使用腾讯云容器服务(Tencent Kubernetes Engine,TKE)来管理和部署Kubernetes集群...
QoS Class: Burstable Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message --- --- --- --- --- Warning FailedScheduling 14d default-scheduler 0/1 nod...
You can use node selectors on pods and labels on nodes to control where the pod is scheduled. With node selectors, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS schedules the pods on nodes that contain matching labels. You can use a node selector to place specific pods on specific nodes, cluster-wide...
All nodes in a cluster can have different labels to provide a way to influence how and where deployments get scheduled by combining labels and node selectors. How does this differ from just using a node name instead? Using a node selector provides slightly more flexibility than just the node...
selectors 中文文档教程 Selectors 不可变的 JSON 选择器。 一个小库,有助于以不可变的方式操作 JSON 对象。 Example 'use strict';varselectors=require('selectors'),lift=selectors.liftSelection,map=selectors.mapSelection,select=selectors.select,has=selectors.hasSelection,set=selectors.setSelection;varobj={a:...
Multi-broker Kafka cluster and Zookeeper ensemble in Docker - Move k8s config to node selectors and deployments · zoidbergwill/docker-compose-kafka@c543be8
NodeInput.OutputSelectors PropertyReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Azure.Media.VideoAnalyzer.Edge.Models Assembly: Azure.Media.VideoAnalyzer.Edge.dll Package: Azure.Media.VideoAnalyzer.Edge v1.0.0-beta.6 Source: NodeInput.cs Allows for the selection of specific data streams (eg. vide...
3.7.2. 使用节点选择器控制 pod 放置 | Red Hat Documentation
$ oc get nodes -l type=user-node,region=east 输出示例 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION ip-10-0-142-25.ec2.internal Ready worker 17m v1.18.3+002a51f 将匹配的节点选择器添加到 pod: 要将节点选择器添加到现有和未来的 pod,请向 pod 的控制对象添加节点选择器: ReplicaSet 对象示...