使用nodeSelectors启动守护进程的一个示例场景是在Kubernetes集群中运行一个需要与特定硬件设备交互的后台进程。可以通过给节点打上特定的标签,然后使用nodeSelectors将具备特定硬件设备的节点选中,并在这些节点上启动守护进程。 在腾讯云产品中,可以使用腾讯云容器服务(Tencent Kubernetes Engine,TKE)来管理和部署Kubernetes集群。
| 1 | 创建一个Pod,并指定Node Selectors | | 2 | 在Pod的规范中定义Node Selector标签 | | 3 | 部署Pod到Kubernetes集群中 | | 4 | 确认Pod被调度到我们指定的节点上 | ## 代码示例 ### 步骤 1: 创建一个Pod,并指定Node Selectors 首先,让我们创建一个简单的Pod,并指定Node Selectors。我们可以在...
QoS Class: Burstable Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message --- --- --- --- --- Warning FailedScheduling 14d default-scheduler 0/1 nod...
map=selectors.mapSelection,select=selectors.select,has=selectors.hasSelection,set=selectors.setSelection;varobj={a:{b:100}}// Has with a path selectorconsole.log("Has obj.a.b?",has(['a','b'],obj))// Result: Has obj.a.b?
🌱 A personal compilation with helpers for NodeJS and Vite - node-and-vite-helpers/src/selectors.ts at ea3409b26dead94106d4ad80a3cce03c5c16e0f6 · wellwelwel/node-and-vite-helpers
Can I use JQuery selectors to select from a particular node object? In one of my textbox event handlers I determine the parent node of the current textbox by: var parent = this.parentNode Now I'm curious if I can use this parent node object and select all children of parent with a...
3.7.2. 使用节点选择器控制 pod 放置 | Red Hat Documentation
by Sanjay Kumar, Creator of SelectorsHub, ChroPath, TestCase Studio (38)30,000+ 个用户 开发人员工具 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容 可以在 Microsoft Edge 的边栏中打开此扩展。通过在边栏中打开扩展,可以在并行视图中浏览和访问扩展。描述 xPath plugin to auto generate, write...
Branched control for repeaters in transmission channel - has switch pair to open parallel path across selectors during node selectionThe installation is for control of a repeater in a transmission channel, the repeater having half repeaters in a loop. At each mode, a first switch and a second ...
Branched control for repeaters in transmission channel - has switch pair to open parallel path across selectors during node selectionThe installation is for control of a repeater in a transmission channel, the repeater having half repeaters in a loop. At each mode, a first switch and a second ...