I've been working with Redis for a couple projects, more specifically with Redis Sentinel. I had originally been using the node-redis package, but found it was lacking support for Sentinel. As such we migrated to ioredis in search of thi...
EVAL 在 Node.js 中实现 ioredis支持所有的脚本命令,比如 EVAL、EVALSHA 和 SCRIPT。但是,在现实场景中使用它是很繁琐的,因为开发人员必须注意脚本缓存,并检测何时使用 EVAL,何时使用 EVALSHA。ioredis 公开了一个 defineCommand 方法,使脚本更容易使用。 const Redis = require("ioredis"); const redis = new R...
Node.js下使用Redis,首先: 1、有一台安装了Redis的服务器,当然,安装在本机也行 2、本机,也就是客户端,要装node.js 3、项目要安装nodejs_redis模块注意第 3...方法是,DOS窗口,在项目目录下,输入 npm install redis 这样就将nodejs_redis下载一份,...
安装node-redis npm install redis --save 如果注册了淘宝镜像,也可以用以下方式进行安装。...cnpm install redis --save 参考: https://github.com/NodeRedis/node-redis 2...引入node-redis const r...
A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node and io.js. - enveloper/ioredis
执行安装apt-install docker.io 验证安装是否成功docker -v 配置镜像源和私有仓库编辑文件vim /etc/docker/daemon.json内容改为如下 {"registry-mirrors": ["https://l0xxxx85.mirror.aliyuncs.com","https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com","https://registry.docker-cn.com","https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu...
K8S中监控redis集群 k8s如何监控node状态,1.1.node-exporter采集的数据指标介绍node-exporter: 采集node节点(物理机、虚拟机、云主机)监控指标数据,能够采集到主机的运行指标如CPU,内存,磁盘,网络,文件数等信息1.部署node-exporter把node-export_v0_16.ta
ioredis This is one of the most supported libraries for Redis connectivity with Node.js used by companies including Alibaba. socket.io The best library for graceful connectivity and fallback with WebSocket and HTTP. Redis For Transient Storage# ...
I'm not sure I understand the difference really between using redis pub/ sub and using node/ express' event emitter. Does the pub/sub interact with my database in any way? In what cases would I use one over the other?