description: "登录方式:Admin/zabbix" method: POST body: "name=Admin&password=zabbix&autologin=1&enter=Sign+in" headers: Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" Accept: "*/*" X-Requested-With: "XMLHttpRequest" Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64...
node-red-contrib-zabbix-sender About Send your data to Zabbix using the Zabbix trapper protocol. This node is the wrapper around node-zabbix-sender library. Usage To send simple item data, send message with following payload: msg.payload = [ "webserver", "httpd.running", 0 ] You can se...
1、常见监控: 主机的性能监控、网络设备性能监控、数据库性能监控、FTP等通用协议监控、多种告警方式、详细的报表图表绘制;(监控细节需注意的事项下面会详细描述) 2、Zabbix监控数据流程 Zabbix是C/S架构的监控产品,他有2种工作模式(主动和被动) 如上图,主动模式适用在特殊场景。如云主机等,因为server端由 zabbix...
3163 zabbix 启动报错 cannot set resource limit: [13] Permission denied 2019-12-20 14:41 −zabbix 启动报错 cannot set resource limit: [13] Permission denied 1、zabbix-server 启动报错 报错信息如下: 1668:20191220:140823.988 using configuratio... ...
Squid容器化部署 Zabbix Docker Docker Agent docker 转载 云端梦想实现家 8月前 27阅读 容器部署架构容器化部署流程 阅读本文前可先参考一、Kubernetes部署“容器化应用”(测试kubernetes集群)1、容器化应用通俗点来说,就是把一个程序放在Docker里部署,这个Docker应用就是容器化应用如:在Docker里面部署一个SpringBo...
Node-RED 是一种编程工具,用于以新颖有趣的方式将硬件设备、API和在线服务连接在一起 它提供了一个基于浏览器的编辑器,可以使用面板中的各种节点轻松地将流连接在一起,只需单击一下即可将其部署到其运行时 有如下特点 基于浏览器的流程编辑 基于Node.js 构建 ...
The problem When deploying a change on the nod red webpage the home assistant sensor node gets a no connection at multiple sensor noded. The debug message in node red is also "NoConnectionError: NoConnectionError" After minutes somtimes ...
连接Arduino常用的包有两个,一个是node-red-node-arduino,另一个是基于流行的johnny-five包的npm install node-red-contrib-gpio。在WSL或者Ubuntu等linux发行版中,按照上述两种方式中的任一种进行安装即可。 在windows下,需要先安装windows-build-tools,否则可能出现node-gyp rebuild error编译错误导致软件包安装无法...
ZWaveError: Failed to open the serial port: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port (ZW0100) Theonlyway I have found to recover from this is to restart node-red itself. Once I do that, the controller node works properly again. ...