そのため、node-red-contrib-line-messaging-api の最新版へのアップデートのみ行います。 LINE Bot用の設定・今回の内容 LINE Bot の環境は、今月のアドベントカレンダーで以下の記事を書く時に作ったので、それを流用します。 ●ライブラリ「LINE Bot Notify」を使った LINE Bot への Push通知...
LINE Messaging API関連で、直近で自分が書いた Qiita の記事があるので、LINE Messaging API つながりということで掲載のみになりますが紹介させてください。 ●ライブラリ「LINE Bot Notify」を使った LINE Bot への Push通知【LINEDC】 - Qiita https://qiita.com/youtoy/items/b70a2847d5b715...
Installed Nodes lwm2m client... a LwM2M client configuration node, having LwM2M server host, port and other connection settings as well as custom management objects lwm2m client in... a Node-RED node emitting LwM2M server events and/or internal object query results lwm2m client out... a ...
node-red-node-notify - 57-notify - Uses Growl to provide a desktop popup containing the payload. Only useful on the local Apple machine. node-red-node-prowl - 57-prowl - Uses Prowl to push the payload to an Apple device that has the Prowl app installed. node-red-node-pushbullet - 57...
38 RED.notify("Problem reading the informations from camera: " + JSON.stringify(data) + ". Check your credentials and connection properties.", 39 { 40 modal: false, 41 fixed: false, 42 type: 'warning' 43 }); 44 return; 45 } 46 $("#node-config-input-name").val(data...
ENABLE NOFITICATIONS For NVR/DVR, pleas remember to select "Notify Alarm Center" in the event window, otherwise the NVR won't emit any alarm event. CHANGELOG Seehere the changelog CAMERA EVENT NODE The Camera Event node connects toNVR, Camera, Radars, etc..and outputs true/false in case ...
For example, Notify me when detect people or Tell me if there is a fire, etc. If you want to know more, please jump here. So Watcher will notify you via SenseCraft APP as well as audio alerts and flashing RGB light when it detects a fire.Part 4. Watcher send message to Node-RED...
==e||a&&m.isFunction(a.promise)?e:0,g=1===f?a:m.Deferred(),h=function(a,b,c){return function(e){b[a]=this,c[a]=arguments.length>1?d.call(arguments):e,c===i?g.notifyWith(b,c):--f||g.resolveWith(b,c)}},i,j,k;if(e>1)for(i=new Array(e),j=new Array(e),k...
client.connected()) { reconnect(); } /* YOU MIGHT NEED TO CHANGE THIS LINE, IF YOU'RE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH MQTT MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS To change the ESP device ID, you will have to give a new name to the ESP8266. Here's how it looks: client.connect("ESP2_Office"); Then, for the...
LINE notify is easy to use to notify farmers in case of deviant situation happen inside PGSD. The system can be assisted farmers by getting live data from PGSD to take a necessary step to enable them to do smart solar dryer by also increasing the values of drying bananas and saving ...