node-fetch/@types/index.d.ts Version: 6.64 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1 /// <reference types="node" /> 2 3 import {RequestOptions} from 'http'; 4 import {FormData} from 'formdata-polyfill/esm.min.js'; 5 import { 6 Blob, ...
node-fetch ver 3.1.0 don't work inside ts file Reproduction Steps to reproduce the behavior: package.json : { "name": "node-typescript-v1", "scripts": { "start": "nodemon --exec 'ts-node' src/index.ts localhost 8080" }, "dependencies": {...
I encountered a problem when usingnode-fetchin conjunction withts-node. For some reason, iterating throughResponse.headersyields no values when the lib is imported throughts-node, even though everything works ok if it's required in normal nodejs environment. Here is a repo with the minimal ca...
根据我在网上发现的,这是我在.spec.ts文件中的内容。import fetch from 'node-fetch'; jest.mock('node-fetch< 浏览1提问于2021-10-15得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 如何在TypeScript中提供获取头的实现 具体来说,我使用的是一个第三方库,它在接口上具有以下属性:当然,标题是:new (init?如果是,那么我...
2"name":"node-fetch", 3"version":"3.3.2", 4"description":"A light-weight module that brings Fetch API to node.js", 5"main":"./src/index.js", 6"sideEffects":false, 7"type":"module", 8"files": [ 9"src", 10"@types/index.d.ts" ...
ts2.0 2.5.3 ts2.1 2.5.3 ts2.2 2.5.3 ts2.3 2.5.3 ts2.4 2.5.3 ts2.5 2.5.3 ts2.6 2.5.3 ts2.7 2.5.3 ts2.8 2.5.7 ts2.9 2.5.7 ts3.0 2.5.7 ts3.1 2.5.7 ts3.2 2.5.7 ts3.3 2.5.7 ts3.4 2.5.8 ts3.5 2.5.10 ts3.6 2.5.12 ts3.7 2.5.12 ts3.8 2.6.1 ts3.9 2.6.1 ts4.0 2.6...
src/index.ts importfetch,{Response}from"node-fetch";importaspida,{HTTPError}from"@aspida/node-fetch";importapifrom"../api/$api";constfetchConfig={baseURL:"",throwHttpErrors:true,// throw an error on 4xx/5xx, default is false};constclient=api(aspida(fetch,fetchCon...
开发者ID:AbraaoAlves,项目名称:DefinitelyTyped,代码行数:14,代码来源:node-fetch-tests.ts 示例4: test_headersRaw ▲点赞 1▼ functiontest_headersRaw(){constheaders =newHeaders();constmyHeader ="foo"; headers.raw()[myHeader];// $ExpectType string[]} ...
开发者ID:vilic,项目名称:rvm,代码行数:35,代码来源:index.ts 示例4: getZfxFormContent ▲点赞 0▼ publicstaticasyncgetZfxFormContent(transaction_id:string, vendor_form_id:string, zfx_form_version:string, context_id:string){constheaders = {'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Auth-ContextId':...