Usage: npx node-edge-tts [options] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -t, --text The text to be converted to speech [string] [required] -f, --filepath The output file path [string] [default: "./output.mp3"] -v, --voice The voice to ...
Usage: npx node-edge-tts [options] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -t, --text The text to be converted to speech [string] [required] -f, --filepath The output file path [string] [default: "./output.mp3"] -v, --voice The voice to ...
Use Microsoft Edge's TTS service on Node.js with support for proxy and subtitles. - node-edge-tts/.gitignore at master · SchneeHertz/node-edge-tts
这是一个关于 EdgeTTS 的nodejs库,可以直接调用,适用于无成本AI配音 开始 # 项目引入 $ npm i edge-tts-nodejs --save 案例 const { toVoice, voices } = require("edge-tts-nodejs") const path = require("path") // Export different formats toVoice("你好世界", path.resolve('./wav/helloworld...
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} SchneeHertz / node-edge-tts Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 16 Star 77 ...
Period: 1 week Overview 0 Active pull requests 0 Active issues 0 Merged pull requests 0 Open pull requests 0 Closed issues 0 New issues There hasn’t been any commit activity on SchneeHertz/node-edge-tts in the last week. Want to help out? Fork this repository Footer...
Use Microsoft Edge's TTS service on Node.js with support for proxy and subtitles. - Release v1.2.3 · SchneeHertz/node-edge-tts
Edge TTS is a Node or Bun package that allows access to the online text-to-speech service used by Microsoft Edge without the need for Microsoft Edge, Windows, or an API key. - andresayac/edge-tts