PM2开始--Node-args =“ - debug = 5858”mypm2config.json 好, 我知道我可以将参数写成mypm2config.json文件,但我不想这样做,因为我想将两个启动命令作为“调试”和“制作”模式进行启动应用程序,例如“pm2_run”和“pm2_debug”,以及“pm2_debug”命令 - node-args参数和“pm2_run”,我不想制作两个“...
npm install node-args And use it as: var args = require('node-args'); You're done. No other options needed.If you need more features, usecommanderor whatever else you fancy. Call node with your named parameters prefixed with--
npm install @kamidere/node-args And use it as: const { getArgs } = require('@kamidere/node-args'); const args = getArgs(process.argv); const anyString = "-a --test nope"; const argsFromString = getArgs(anyString.split(' ')); ...
pm2 start main.js --node-args="--debug=7001" When running the above cli command, the node process does receive the "--debug" argument, but ignores the port. The console responds: Debugger listening on port 5863 I am assuming port#5863is just a default selected by node. Any ideas why ...
The most minimalistic parameter processor for node. Really. Usage Couldn't be simpler, just install it like: npm install node-args And use it as: var args = require('node-args'); You're done. No other options needed. If you need more features, use commander or whatever else you fa...
1.创建 python 环境和安装依赖包,命令如下:登录可见。2.新建 ...
使用node.js中漂亮的 SVG 库Raphaël生成 svg -数据。 Features static svg generation with raphael ability to provide arguments to draw function for slightly more customizable rendering export images to and import from JSON Installation npm install node-raphael-args ...
问Discord.JS / NodeJS用args获取一个错误EN我在这段代码中有一个arg错误,我试着用子命令做一个...
gulp[2092]:src\`args[1]->IsString()' failed. 1: 000000013FAB121A v8::internal::GCIdleTimeHandler::GCIdleTimeHandler+4810 2: 000000013FA8A5B6 node::MakeCallback+4518 3: 000000013FA8A66F node::MakeCallback+4703 ...