LTS: Releases that receive Long-term Support, with a focus on stability and security. Every even-numbered major version will become an LTS release. LTS releases receive 12 months ofActive LTSsupport and a further 18 months ofMaintenance. LTS release lines have alphabetically-ordered code names, ...
It’s not a stable solution though but it might be game-changing for the Node.js community. Workers offer Node.js an opportunity to become a player on the field of data science beside R, Scala, Python and more. Get started with Node.js v12 You can download the latest Node.js version...
Hello, I have an installation problem, it is that when I install Node.JS correctly. It remains blocked at the end of loading and the status is marked nothing. Thank you for responding in advance. Node.js Version : node-v12.18.1-x82.msi O...
Nodejs 12 + N-api版本冲突 、、、 我正在尝试在一个vue电子项目中使用bcrypt-package,但是当我尝试运行它时,出现了一个N-api版本问题: Uncaught Error: The N-API version of this我在documentation上读到了关于N-API的信息,根据版本矩阵,我不可能安装版本1。但是我找不到任何关于如何安装/配置/管理这些N-AP...
Hello, A new version of NodeJS is available for a few weeks. This version (12.21.0) is fixing security issues. The latest NodeJS version for the WebApps is 12.19.0 (when selecting NodeJS 12 LTS for a Linux environment). Any idea of when this version
Could you please tell me the your current version node 12 is outdated. Is your project working on new node versions ? Eugene StepnovMonday, Jul 25, 2022 Hi Parveen, Do you have GitHub access to the repo with Bookkeeper? If no, please contact us atsupport@flatlogic.comWe have updated the...
Platform: (Mac)Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0; root:xnu-4903.278.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 What steps will reproduce the bug? Running the following throws an error: nvm use 12.18.3 npm i -g npm@6.9.2 npm init -y npm i ...
JavaScript中的React Starter Kit Nodeのインストール方法 本アプリケーションはを前提としています.macOSの场合だと以下の手顺で导入できます.Nodeのバージョンは.node-versionを参照し,同じものを使用してください。 $ wget -P /tmp
node --version # 12.20.2 yarn --version # 1.19.2 使用项目工具 node 和包管理器可执行文件并不是工具链中唯一的智能工具:工具链中的包二进制文件也知道您的当前目录,并尊重您所在项目的配置。 例如,安装 Typescript 包会将编译器tsc添加到你的工具链中: ...
node--version #12.20.2yarn--version #1.19.2 使用项目工具 node 和包管理器可执行文件并不是工具链中唯一的智能工具:工具链中的包二进制文件也知道您的当前目录,并尊重您所在项目的配置。 例如,安装Typescript包会将编译器tsc添加到你的工具链中: