nvm install stable ## 安装最新稳定版 node nvm install<version> ## 安装指定版本 nvm uninstall <version> ## 删除已安装的指定版本 2、切换版本 use nvm use <version> ## 切换使用指定的版本node 3、添加和删除别名 nvm alias <name> <version>## 给不同的版本号添加别名 nvm unalias<name> ## 删除...
You can confirm the current version of Node withnvm current: nvm current v21.0.0 You can also confirm the version of Node currently in use with the-vflag: node -v v21.0.0 Note To use the system’s version of Node, run the command: ...
This version adds the --use-system-ca command-line flag, which instructs Node.js to use the trusted CA certificates present in the system store along with the --use-bundled-ca, --use-openssl-ca options. This option is available on macOS and Windows for now. Contributed by Tim Jacomb in...
使用npm help <command>可查看某条命令的详细帮助,例如npm help install。在package.json所在目录下使用npm install . -g可先在本地安装当前命令行程序,可用于发布前的本地测试。使用npm update <package>可以把当前目录下node_modules子目录里边的对应模块更新至最新版本。使用npm update <package> -g可以把全局...
nvs use lts 或 nvs use 14.21.0 如果想永久添加到环境变量中,则需要使用nvs link命令,此命令也相当于给操作系统全局设置一个Node的默认版本: nvs link lts 5. nvs命令手册 CommandDescription nvs help <command> 获取帮助 nvs install 初始化nvs配置 nvs uninstall 从环境变量删除nvs nvs --version 显示nvs...
downloadingifnecessary)ninstall<version>Install Node.js<version>(downloadingifnecessary)n run<version>[args...]Execute downloaded Node.js<version>with[args...]nwhich<version>Output pathfordownloaded node<version>nexec<vers><cmd>[args...]Executecommandwith modified PATH, so downloaded node<version>...
nvm use 16.15.1:使用对应的node版本 安装完成之后,查看版本,并没有引用哪个版本的标识: 切换版本会报错: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 exit status5:�ܾ����ʡ� exit status1:���ļ��Ѵ���ʱ��������...
And then in any new shell just use the installed version:nvm use nodeOr you can just run it:nvm run node --versionOr, you can run any arbitrary command in a subshell with the desired version of node:nvm exec 4.2 node --version
app.use('/api',(req, res, next) =>{ res.json({"result":"success"}); }); 在本地生成代码并对其进行测试,然后签入并推送到 GitHub。 在Azure 门户中,需要一些时间才能检测 GitHub 存储库中的更改,然后开始新的部署同步。 这类似于下图。
1) COMMAND LINE VERSION CHECK C:\>node -v v19.0.0 C:\>node Welcome to Node.js v19.0.0. Type ".help" for more information. > As in the introduction, simply runnode -vornode --versionin the command line to get the Node version. But of course, the version number is also right ...