$ node examples/simple-prompt.js prompt: username: some-user prompt: email: some-user@some-place.org Command-line input received: username: some-user email: some-user@some-place.org If no callback is passed toprompt.get(schema), then it returns aPromise, so you can also write: ...
第一步:安装commander、co-prompt $ npm install --save commander $ npm install --save co-prompt 1. 2. 第二步:定义选项 #!/usr/bin/env node --harmony var co = require('co'); var prompt = require('co-prompt'); var program = require('commander'); program .version('0.0.2') .argum...
$ node examples/property-prompt.js prompt: name: nodejitsu000 error: Invalid input for name error: Name must be only letters, spaces, or dashes prompt: name: Nodejitsu Inc prompt: password: Command-line input received: name: Nodejitsu Inc password: some-password ...
Windows Terminal is an improved command line shell that allows you to run multiple tabs so that you can quickly switch between Linux command lines, Windows Command Prompt, PowerShell, Azure CLI, or whatever you prefer to use. You can also create custom key bindings (shortcut keys for opening...
sudo Sudo acts similarly tosudoon Linux/Mac. Unlikeelevate, it requires a password, but it will not prompt the user for permission to proceed. Likeelevate, thisstill requires administrative privilegesfor the user, otherwise the command will fail. The primary difference between this andelevate()is...
2.使用以下命令安装 CURL (用于在命令行中从 Internet 下载内容的工具):sudo apt-get install curl。 3.使用以下命令安装 nvm 包管理器。 代码语言:javascript 复制 su root curl-o-https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh|bash ...
首先下载node.js,并安装:http://nodejs.org/download/ 然后进入node.js command prompt命令窗口 输入node -v 检查...node.js的版本,输入npm -v检查npm的版本信息,存在版本信息说明你的node.js服务器安装以及成功了。 ...输入 expess app 就会生成一个测试环境,运行app测试项目, node app.js,可能会出现如下...
inquirer.prompt(promptList).then(anwsers => { console.log(anwsers) }) } }) program.parse(process.argv) 运行node cli/cli.js create vue 已经可以运行了,我们自定义一个命名替代每次都执行node 命令为:test-cli create 1、创建bin文件夹,在bin文件夹下创建index.js文件 #!/usr...
根据上述信息,我们可以得知是访问/bug路径触发了程序奔溃 node-report llnode 的是要需要依赖 lldb,给正在运行的进程生成 coredump 依赖于 gcore,而 gcore 一般需要 sudo 权限,因此 llnode 对生产环境有一定的要求,node-report 是一个更为轻便的查看当前快照信息的方法。其生成的信息是文本信息,因此可以直接阅读,且...
Using sudo, you can configure your SSH to only allow ifconfig and arping to be run using elevated privileges. Remote Server Start Security for Script-based Node Manager A remote start user name and password is required to start a server instance with Node Manager. These credentials are ...