$ node-red-start Start Node-REDOnce Node-REDhas started,point a browser at 这里是树莓派分配到IP地址 On Pi Node-REDworks betterwiththe Firefox or Chrome browser Use node-red-stop to stop Node-REDUse node-red-start to start Node-REDagain Use node-red-log to v...
$ sudo docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 5a7772b55fa0 nodered/node-red "./entrypoint.sh" 6 days ago Exited (143) 12 seconds ago mynodered 可以看到容器镜像已经拉取并创建完成,同时,我们可以看到这个容器名字是mynodered, 再启动容器 sudo docker start mynodered ...
$ sudo docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 5a7772b55fa0 nodered/node-red "./entrypoint.sh" 6 days ago Exited (143) 12 seconds ago mynodered 可以看到容器镜像已经拉取并创建完成,同时,我们可以看到这个容器名字是mynodered, 再启动容器 sudo docker start mynodered ...
0|node-red | 9 Jul 18:38:45 - [info] Started flows 0|node-red | 9 Jul 18:38:45 - [info] Server now running at 我们保存现在的 process 信息然后设置为开机启动 [alick@devnet ~]# pm2 save [PM2] Saving current process list... [PM2] Successfully saved in /...
.command('start <service>','start named service') .command('stop [service]', 'stop namedservice, or all if no name supplied'); 4. Chalk Chalk是用于终端样式的Node包。 Chalk. 来源:Github Chalk有以下亮点: · 清晰可读的 API · 高性能 · 支持嵌套样式 · 支持256/真彩颜色 · 支持自动检测...
Starting Node-RED and Creating a ProjectWhen the installation finishes, you can launch Node-RED using a command-line interface (CLI) window:Start Node-RED using a command-line window.Next, use a web browser to navigate to the address that hosts Node-RED. In most cases, which will be the...
typeCheckbox();asyncfunctiontypeCheckbox(){let{checkbox}=awaitinquirer.prompt([{name:'checkbox',type:'checkbox',message:'checkbox',choices:['red','blue','yellow'],default:['blue']}]);console.log('checkbox '+checkbox);} commander和inquirer可以说是命令行交互最基本的两个包,这两个包的基本用法...
描述:Node.js® 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎 的 JavaScript 运行时环境,它是目前非常火热的技术(正式开启JavaScript的后端开发之旅), 它在设计上类似于Ruby系统并受到Python的Twisted的影响启发,它作为异步事件驱动的JavaScript运行时,它旨在构建可伸缩的网络应用..
Starting the Node-RED Environment If you use npm for global installation, and after you are prompted that the installation is successful, you can start the Node-RED immediately by simply running the node-red command globally. Whether Docker or npm is used, after successful startup, we only ne...
To install, run the following command in your Node-RED directory: npm install omerkaptan/node-red-contrib-docxtemplater Usage Template Creation: Start by creating a.docxtemplate with placeholders formatted as tags, like{{name}},{{date}}, or{{items}}. Tags are placeholders that Docxtemplater...