在Node.js中逐行读取文件的最简单方法是使用本地fs模块的fs.readFileSync()方法: constfs=require('fs');try{// read contents of the fileconstdata=fs.readFileSync('file.txt','UTF-8');// split the contents by new lineconstlines=data.split(/\r?\n/);// print all lineslines.forEach((line...
在Node.js中逐行读取文件的最简单方法是使用本地fs模块的fs.readFileSync()方法: 代码语言:javascript 复制 constfs=require('fs');try{// read contents of the fileconstdata=fs.readFileSync('file.txt','UTF-8');// split the contents by new lineconstlines=data.split(/\r?\n/);// print all ...
consttrimmedLines=lines.map(line=>line.trim()); 如果需要对每一行进行进一步的处理,可以使用map方法来遍历数组,并对每个元素进行操作。 最后,我们可以将处理后的行重新组合成一个字符串,并将其写入到另一个文件中。这里我们可以使用fs模块的writeFile方法。
{ lineReader.pause(); queue.push(line); }); queue.drain=function() { lineReader.resume();// I need to resume the stream !callback();// When all lines have been processed, I need to read the next file}; },function(err) {if(err)returnconsole.log(err);console...
readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') // 是否去除注释 deleteComment && (code = code.replace(/\/\/(.*)/g, '')) deleteComment && (code = code.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, '')) // 统计行并且去除空行 const lines = code.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== '')....
LTS release lines have alphabetically-ordered code names, beginning with v4 Argon. There are no breaking changes or feature additions, except in some special circumstances. Nightly: Code from the Current branch built every 24-hours when there are changes. Use with caution.Current and LTS releases...
createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream('/path/to/file'),...
Node.js Version: 10.1.0 OS: Windows/Ubuntu Scope: code Module: Readfile Background Dear awesome people, I am trying to read a several GB sized file line by line. I want to process each line and after that write it to a file. I don't want...
Commander.js是一个在NodeJS环境下便捷地用于构建搞质量命令行工具的库,vue-cli 等很多命令行工具都是由它构建。inquirer.js是一个实现交互式命令行界面的NodeJS库,通过使用该库能够帮我们实现命令界面的交互式。kolorist是一个 2. 命令的相关概念 3. 使用Commander.js搭建命令工行工具 ...
To test your changes locally, runnpm installfollowed bynpm test. All files that you added or changed must score 100% coverage in its statements, branches, functions and lines. You will also have tosigntheContributor License Agreement, which will take a minute of your time but ensures that ne...