在命令行中执行以下命令: npminstall 1. 这条命令会根据项目中的package.json文件中的依赖描述,下载并安装依赖库。npm install命令会自动创建一个新的node_modules目录,并将所有依赖库文件放入其中。 总结 通过按照上述步骤,我们可以解决"Failed to remove some directories"这个错误。首先删除原有的node_modules目录,...
$ npm ls ├─┬ pkg-that-just-requires-gulp@1.0.0 │└── UNMET DEPENDENCY gulp@^3.9.0 └── extraneous error: ENOENT, open '/Users/aleksey/my-project/node_modules/vinyl-fs/package.json npm ERR! extraneous: vinyl-fs /Users/aleksey/my-project/node_modules/vinyl-fs npm ERR! error in...
安装opencv4nodejs 时出现错误“无法删除某些目录” PS C:\Windows\system32>npminstall -g opencv4nodejsnpmWARN cleanup Failed to remove some directories [npmWARN cleanup [npmWARN cleanup'C:\\Users\\deepakv\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\opencv4nodejs',npmWARN cleanup [Error: EBUSY: re...
npm WARN deprecated @material-ui/core@4.12.4: Material UI v4 doesn't receive active development since September 2021. See the guidehttps://mui.com/material-ui/migration/migration-v4/to upgrade to v5. npm WARN cleanup Failed to remove some directories [ npm WARN cleanup [ npm WARN cleanup ...
nodejs 与 npm 由于新版的nodejs已经集成了npm,所以之前npm也一并安装好了。同样可以通过输入 "npm -v" 来测试是否成功安装。命令如下,出现版本提示表示安装成功: (因此,npm 可随 nodejs 一同安装。具体可参见:NodeJs入门教程-2 Node.js 安装配置 - 博客园/千千寰宇 )...
npm WARN deprecatedtar@2.2.1: This version oftaris no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap. npm WARN cleanup Failed to remove some directories [ npm WARN cleanup [ npm WARN cleanup'E:\\20231213\\uirecorder\\node_modules\\xutil\\node_modules', ...
1 -手动删除目录'opencv 4 nodejs' 2 -删除目录后,返回终端并运行命令:npm install(对我来说,这...
It is always recommended to remove any existing installations of Node.js or npm from your operating system before installing a version manager as the different types of installation can lead to strange and confusing conflicts. This includes deleting any existing Node.js installation directories (e.g...
Specify the location of the Node.js interpreter, the parameters to pass to it, and the path to the gulp package. Run npm Script: select this option to execute an npm script. In the NPM Script dialog that opens, specify the npm run/debug configuration settings. Compile TypeScript: select...
// Use npm to install the client. const ObsClient = require("esdk-obs-nodejs"); // Use the source code to install the client. // var ObsClient = require('./lib/obs'); // Create an instance of ObsClient. const obsClient = new ObsClient({ // Obtain an AK/SK pair using enviro...