明明在cmd输入node有结果,在vscode的terminal里却报“'node' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件。” 刚刚安装完vs code,在terminal里输入 node,结果报错:“'node' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件。” 而哦打开cmd输入node,却是 Welcome to Node.js v12.13.0. Type ...
Type: Bug create a small nodejs express server run the server using js debug terminal on sending the request to start worker, the worker code does not start I asked question on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79317327/...
Runnodein the VSCode terminal (using cmd.exe), right-click the mouse, and paste the code in the terminal: node version: v20.15.0 It's only happening in VS Code terminal; the system Command Prompt terminal is normal. The bug does not occur when pasting this code: m=newMap([[1,2],...
does work for any applicationbut cmakeinside VSCode terminal does not work inside VSCode terminal (no errors, success exit code but no stdout data captured) Executing cmake directly inside a VSCode terminal works as expected. Question:How is it possible thatchild_process.spawn("cmake").stdout....
node 脚本首先我们创建一个 test.js 脚本,然后在需要调试的行数前方点击添加上断点,并进入 Debug Terminal 通过 node test.js 来执行。picture 2可以看到执行后直接就开启了 VSCode 的 debug 模式,并且成功在断点出停住。npm script再来试试 npm script 方式,我们先新建一个 package.json,然后在 scripts 中...
首先我们创建一个test.js脚本,然后在需要调试的行数前方点击添加上断点,并进入Debug Terminal通过node test.js来执行。 可以看到执行后直接就开启了VSCode的debug模式,并且成功在断点出停住。 npm script 再来试试npm script方式,我们先新建一个package.json,然后在scripts中添加一条:"start": "node test.js",随后...
总结,VSCode的JS Debug Terminal功能全面,支持Node、typescript、webpack及jest等调试场景,操作简单,易于上手。使用过程中偶遇一些小问题,如在运行jest时多个子进程开启,点击断点工具条中的断开可能影响后续Debug Terminal功能,有时会遇到卡顿现象。但总体来说,JS Debug Terminal的体验是优质的。
If you got the error in Visual Studio Code and restarting VSCode doesn't help, try to click on the trash bin button to restart the terminal. If the error persists, add Node to your PATH environment variable manually. # Add Node to your PATH environment variable To add Node to your PATH...
经常看到有同学抱怨 调试麻烦或者是搞不清怎么调试各种脚本、、 等等,而偶尔看到的调试相关的文章又全都是在写 、 这些方案,其实有一定学习成本。 而其实在 中早已内置了相当无脑的 方式,就是 ,利用它我们只需要负责打断点,别的什么 、 都不需要关注,主打的就是一个无脑、简单。
"debug.javascript.terminalOptions": {"skipFiles":["<node_internals>/**"]}, Auto Attach Smart Patterns InsmartAuto Attach mode, VS Code will try to attach to your code, and not attach to build tools you aren't interested in debugging. It does this by matching the main script against a ...