os.networkInterfaces()是Nodejs的一个方法,该方法返回一个对象,包含只有被赋予网络地址的网络接口。我们创建一个vue-cli项目的时候,默认会在config目录下index.js文件中配置初始host属性为localhost或127.0.0.1,浏览器打开的地址也会基于host和port。 要改变这个地址我们可以在index.js文件引用os并定义一个getIP()函数。
Example 1: Get information about all network interfaces on the local node PowerShell PS C:\>Get-NlbClusterNodeNetworkInterfaceInterfaceName : vlan-3NlbBound : True Cluster : cluster1 DhcpEnabled : False InterfaceIP : : :
Example 1: Get information about all network interfaces on the local nodePowerShell Copier PS C:\>Get-NlbClusterNodeNetworkInterface InterfaceName : vlan-3 NlbBound : True Cluster : cluster1 DhcpEnabled : False InterfaceIP : InterfaceSubnetMask : ClusterPrimaryIP : 3.53....
This example gets information about all network interfaces on the node named node1. The information returned includes whether NLB is bound to that interface and whether that interface is DHCP-enabled. Parameters -HostName Specifies the name of the cluster host against which this c...
function get_local_ip() { const interfaces = require('os').networkInterfaces(); let IPAdress = ''; for (const devName in interfaces) { const iface = interfaces[devName]; for (let i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) { const alias = iface[i]; if (alias.family === 'IPv4' && ali...
# ./node -e 'const os = require("os"); const interfaces = os.networkInterfaces(); for (const interface in interfaces) {console.> en0 en1 lo0 ::1 Not only on sit0, but on any interface without IP address: ...
Display the routing information of data packets on all network adapters. # ip route show Display statistics on all network interfaces. #ip -s link Assign an IP address to a network adapter. #ip addr add192.168.0.123/24devenp3s0 Delete a configured IP address. ...
Display statistics on all network interfaces. # ip -s link Assign an IP address to a network adapter. # ip addr add dev enp3s0 Delete a configured IP address. # ip addr del dev enp3s0 Enable a network adapter. # ip link set enp3s0 up Disable...
[d44ccb319c] -doc: revise webcrypto.md types, interfaces, and added versions (Filip Skokan)#57376 [f4de7cef01] -doc: add info on how project manages social media (Michael Dawson)#57318 [792ef16921] -doc: revisetsconfig.jsonnote (Steven)#57353 ...
(app);2627/**28* Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.29*/3031server.listen(port);32server.on('error', onError);33server.on('listening', onListening);3435/**36* Normalize a port into a number, string, or false.37*/38//端口标准化函数39functionnormalizePort(val) {40...