输入`collapse`, 然后选择 `Collapse: collapse node_modules folder` 最后 代码也开源了,感兴趣的可以看看 https://github.com/phobal/vscode-collapse-node-modulesgithub.com/phobal/vscode-collapse-node-modules 原理很简单:就是先隐藏 node_modules 文件夹,再显示 node_modules 文件夹, 就起到了折叠文件...
答案:That is a folder where binaries (executables) from your node modules are located. node modules 可执行文件的存储文件夹所在。 本地安装(默认):将东西放在当前包根目录的 ./node_modules 中。 全局安装(使用 -g):将内容放在 /usr/local 或安装节点的任何位置。 如果您要 require() 它,请在本地安...
3. If the module name does not have a path component at the beginning, Node looks in the node_modules / subfolder of the current folder for the module there. If it is found,that is loaded; otherwise, Node works its way up the path tree of the current location looking for node_module...
现在也来修改一下 yarn global 时存放位置! yarn config set global-folder D:\nodejs\yarn_global yarn config set cache-folder D:\nodejs\yarn_cache 1. 2. 输入命令查看是否修改成功:yarn config list 配置成功,然后随便全局安装一个依赖试试看: 成功! 总结 到这里,整个将 node 移到其他盘的步骤教程已...
本文翻译自:Git - Ignore node_modules folder everywhere I have a project containing multiple other projects :我有一个包含多个其他项目的项目: Main project主要项目 Mini project 1迷你项目1 Mini project 2迷你项目2 All containingnode_modulesfolder.全部包含node_modules文件夹。I want git to ignore the ...
cd xxx [the folder which includes node_modules folder] rimraf node_modules 注意事项: 该方法也可用于删除其他文件,类似于Windows的彻底删除Ctrl+Shift+Delete,一旦删除就不能恢复(回收站里没有),所以删除之前一定要确保文件已经不再被需要! 作者:阿笨 ...
node_modules folder path from another nodejs script const node_modules = require('node_modules-path'); console.log('node module path for this project:', node_modules()); This is especially useful to serve fonts in an express app
Description Not all package managers use node_modules as target folder to save modules. An example is yarn Berry, with Plug'n'Play enabled (pnp loader), that use .yarn/cache or global cache folder instead of node_modules one. Example: no...
- removing the node_modules folder, restarting IntelliJ - looking for differences in the .idea folder when the project has recognized the node_modules folder as library root vs when it did not - looking in /Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.2/options/applic...