From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:Plants,Biology,Human,Computersnode/nəʊd$noʊd/noun[countable]technical1the place on thestemof a plant from which aleaforbranchgrows2a place where lines in anetworkcrossorjoin3a part of a computer network wheremessagescan bereceive...
In networking, a node is an access point in a network where data can be processed, stored, or forwarded. It's essentially any device that can send, receive, or forward information. A node could be an end device like your host computer, server, printer, or mobile device. Network devices ...
(1) Innetworks, a processing location. A node can be acomputeror some otherdevice, such as aprinter. Every node has a unique network address, sometimes called aData Link Control (DLC) addressorMedia Access Control (MAC) address. (2) Intree structures, a point where two or more lines mee...
are a normal part of your immune system. You can also find a node on a plant: it’s the swelling on the stem marking the spot where leaves emerge. Computer techs know that a node can also be a piece of equipment — like your cable modem — in a computer network. In a sense, tha...
a joint in a stem. a part of a stem that normally bears a leaf. Computers. a connection point in a network that is a processing device with an assigned address, as a router, computer terminal, peripheral device, or mobile device: ...
a network node (computing) a piece of equipment such as a computer, that is attached to a network (anatomy) a small hard mass of tissue, especially near a joint in the human body a lymph node Word OriginSee node in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee node in the Oxford ...
Incomputing, a node is a physical or logical connection point in a computernetworkordata structure. Nodes are the building blocks that provide the infrastructure for network operations and data frameworks. Advertisements Key Takeaways A node is a physical or logical connection point. ...
In TinyDB, it is assumed that a query is issued from a server external to the sensor network. A routing tree rooted at the server distributes the query. The setup of the routing structure is discussed in Chapter 3. Here, we focus on how data is aggregated. TinyDB uses an epoch-based...
in computer networks, a "node" represents a device or a computer that is connected to a network. Similarly, in graph theory, a "node" refers to a point in a graph where edges intersect. In these contexts, the translation of "node" may vary depending on the language. However, the essen...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:Plants,Biology,Human,Computersnode/nəʊd$noʊd/noun[countable]technical1the place on thestemof a plant from which aleaforbranchgrows2a place where lines in anetworkcrossorjoin3a part of a computer network wheremessagescan bereceive...