一个Node.js模块用于发送跨平台原生系统通知。在Mac使用 Notification Center 实现,在Linux使用notify-osd,在 Windows 8中使用,对于早期的Windows版本拥有一个可爱的任务栏气球。易于使用 在Mac, Windows, Linux 中显示原生通知或使用 Growl!var notifier = require('node-notifier'); notifier.notify({ 'title': '...
MacBook写Node,10招制胜! 1. **Touch Bar快捷键设置**: 在MacBook Pro的Touch Bar上,你可以将常用的Node.js命令设置为快捷键,方便快速执行,提高效率。 2. **iTerm2集成**: 使用iTerm2代替默认的终端,它提供了更多的功能和自定义选项,使得在编写Node.js代码时更加灵活。 3. **VS Code插件**: 安装VS C...
npm install --save node-notifier Cross-Platform Advanced Usage Standard usage, with cross-platform fallbacks as defined in thereporter flow chart. All of the options below will work in a way or another on all platforms. constnotifier =require('node-notifier');constpath =require('path'); no...
mikaelbr/node-notifier Star5.8k A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback) nodejsjavascriptgrowlnotification-centernotificationnode-notifiertoastershacktoberfest UpdatedJun 24, 2024 JavaScript ...
A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows (post and pre 8) and Linux (or Growl as fallback). Latest version: 10.0.1, last published: 3 years ago. Start using node-notifier in your project by running `npm i node-notifier`. There ar
A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback) - mikaelbr/node-notifier
Example:./vendor/mac.noindex/terminal-notifier.app/Contents/MacOS/terminal-notifier Spotlight clarification terminal-notifier.appresides in amac.noindexfolder to prevent Spotlight from indexing the app. Usage:WindowsToaster Note:There are some limitations for images in native Windows 8 notifications: ...
{"devDependencies":{"@symfony/webpack-encore":"^0.20.0","bootstrap":"^4.1.3","jquery":"^3.3.1","node-sass":"^4.9.4","popper.js":"^1.14.4","sass-loader":"^7.1.0","webpack-notifier":"^1.6.0"},"license":"UNLICENSED","private":true,"scripts":{"dev-server":"encore dev-...
event loop是指由libuv提供的,一种实现非阻塞I/O的机制。具体来讲,因为javascript一门single-threaded编程语言,所以nodejs只能把异步I/O操作的实现(非阻塞I/O的实现结果的就是异步I/O)转交给libuv来做。因为I/O既可能发生在很多不同操作系统上(Unix,Linux,Mac OX,Window),又可以分为很多不同类型的I/O(file...
Status and error messages can be displayed as desktop notification usingnode-notifier: Requirements: Mac OS X: >= 10.8 Linux:notify-osdorlibnotify-bininstalled (Ubuntu should have this by default) Windows: >= 8, or task bar balloons for Windows < 8 ...