一、下载Node.js安装包 下载地址:http://nodejs.cn/download/ 本教程以msi安装包为例 点击Windows 安装包下载 二、安装Node.js 1.打开安装包 欢迎页:点击Next 2.允许使用条款 点击接受条款后Next 3.选择安装路径 选择你要安装的路径 本案例
# 安装 fnm(快速 Node 管理器)winget installSchniz.fnm# 配置 fnm 环境,使其在每次目录变更时自动使用fnm env--use-on-cd|Out-String|Invoke-Expression# 下载并安装 Node.js 版本 22fnmuse--install-if-missing22# 验证环境中 Node.js 的版本是否正确,输出应为 `v22.11.0`node-v# 应该输出 `v22.11.0...
Downloads (includes npm) 下载Node.js源代码、适用于您的平台的预构建安装程序,或通过包管理器. Windows 安装程序 node-v20.13.1-x86.msi MAC 安装程序 node-v20.13.1.pkg 源代码 node-v20.13.1.tar.gz 当前版本 发布于 2024-05-15 维护 发布于 2024-05-15 ...
Download thenvm-setup.zipfile for the most recent release. Once downloaded, open the zip file, then open thenvm-setup.exefile. The Setup-NVM-for-Windows installation wizard will walk you through the setup steps, including choosing the directory where both nvm-windows and Node.js will be inst...
windows下如何使用两个版本的nodejs 说在前面 有时候我们是需要两个版本的nodejs,就比如我的项目中需要用到v5.6.0版本的nodejs 但是webpack需要使用最新版本的(这个都是坑出来的,半天没找到原因),这就需要我用到两个版本的nodejs了。d 但是webpack还是不能使用,下面还是只针对使用两个版本切换的情况。
Windows Terminal Install nvm, node.js, and npm Alternative version managers Show 2 more For those who prefer using Node.js in a Linux environment, this guide will help you to install Node.js on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2 is the recommended version). ...
This change was also in Node.js 17 but is also worth noting as Node.js 18 will be the first version that will be promoted to LTS and may be the first time our customers run into it. For dns lookups, Node.js no longer prefers IPv4 over IPV6. Instead, it will now respect the orde...
Step 1. 下载node.js在windows下是要安装在Cygwin下的,去Cygwin网站下载Cygwin安装程序。 Cygwin网站:http://cygwin.com/ 直接下载地址:http://cygwin.com/setup.exe Step 2. 安装 安装你下下来的Cygwin程序,基本上只需下一步就可以。 在Choose A Download Source界面选择-》install from internet ...
Download thenvm-setup.zipfile for the most recent release. Once downloaded, open the zip file, then open thenvm-setup.exefile. The Setup-NVM-for-Windows installation wizard will walk you through the setup steps, including choosing the directory where both nvm-windows and Node.js will be inst...
This change was also in Node.js 17 but is also worth noting as Node.js 18 will be the first version that will be promoted to LTS and may be the first time our customers run into it. For dns lookups, Node.js no longer prefers IPv4 over IPV6. Instead, it will now respect the orde...