varue=UE.getEditor('editor'); 后台修改: 下载下来的是基于php的,现在我们来改成基于node.js的。首先把不用的php文件删除掉,然后新建文件夹nodejs,并在此目录下新建文件config.json,内容如下: /* 前后端通信相关的配置,注释只允许使用多行方式 */ { /* 上传图片配置项 */ "imageActionName": "uploadimag...
1. 最后在js里面实例化: var ue = UE.getEditor('editor'); 1. 打开页面,查看效果。 但是你打开控制台,会发现,给你提示 配置nodejs ueditor相关 上面的报错是因为我们没有配置ueditor的nodejs相关,接着我们就处理nodejs的问题。 我们在基友网站上面找到了一个叫netpi大神的解决方案,github地址:ht...
If you are still willing to set up your environment for Node.js, you need the following two softwares available on your computer, (a) Text Editor and (b) The Node.js binary installables.Text EditorThis will be used to type your program. Examples of few editors include Windows Notepad, ...
找到一个比较舒服的文件夹,打开cmd,通过以下命令安装 vscode项目脚手架,取的是 镜像源,因此可能会有科学问题 cmd 复制代码 npm install -g yo generator-code 安装完成后,直接用命令创建新的插件项目 cmd 复制代码 yo code 进入配置页面,默认就选择 NewExtension(Type),后面的按照图中来就可...
找到一个比较舒服的文件夹,打开cmd,通过以下命令安装 vscode项目脚手架,取的是[3] 镜像源,因此可能会有科学问题 npm install -g yo generator-code 安装完成后,直接用命令创建新的插件项目 yo code 进入配置页面,默认就选择 NewExtension(TypeScript),后面的按照图中来就可 然后会自动创建好...
Set is an unobtrusive, dry template engine for Node.js and browsers that gives you 100% valid HTML5 templates. It’s visual, so you can design in your favorite visual editor and even use mock data in your templates. 10. Passwordless ...
At this point, three Node.js servers have been presented:hello.njs,hellosvr.njs, andhttpsvr.njs. These source files have been so simple that it did not matter how they were created. You could have used any text editor to create them and they would work fine. If you made a mistake, ...
Since this is a Node.js project, the first thing we need to do is ensure that all of its dependencies are installed from NPM, since they weren't checked into the Git repo. You can perform this step from within your standard terminal (I would recommend Hyper!), or, if you prefer, ...
How to use Azure IoT Hub direct methods with the Node.js SDK for device management tasks including invoking a remote device reboot.