echo***Node JS 环境加载完成***echo***开始配置JAVA环境***setNODEJS=%cd%cd..cdjdk\jdk1.8.0_181echoJAVA目录%cd%setSRC=%cd%setJAVA_HOME=%SRC%setPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%setCLASSPATH=.echo***java 环境加载完成***cd%NODEJS%echo***开始配置git环境变量***cd..cdGitechoGit目录%cd%s...
首先我们创建一个test.js脚本,然后在需要调试的行数前方点击添加上断点,并进入Debug Terminal通过node test.js来执行。 可以看到执行后直接就开启了VSCode的debug模式,并且成功在断点出停住。 npm script 再来试试npm script方式,我们先新建一个package.json,然后在scripts中添加一条:"start": "node test.js",随后...
首先我们创建一个test.js脚本,然后在需要调试的行数前方点击添加上断点,并进入Debug Terminal通过node test.js来执行。 可以看到执行后直接就开启了VSCode的debug模式,并且成功在断点出停住。 npm script 再来试试npm script方式,我们先新建一个package.json,然后在scripts中添加一条:"start": "node test.js",随后...
可以看出VSCode的JS Debug Terminal基本支持了所有我们常用的调试场景,无论是node、typescript、webpack还是jest,全部拿捏。并且使用绝对无脑,可以放心食用。 当然在使用过程中也遇到一些小问题,比如在跑jest时由于会启动多个子进程此时点击断点工具条中的断开可能会导致Debug Terminal后续失效,也有时会卡住。不过瑕不掩瑜,...
Node.js commandline/terminal interface.Simple commandline, terminal, or shell interface to allow you to run cli or bash style commands as if you were in the terminal.Run commands asynchronously, and if needed can get the output as a string.NPM...
mattijs/node-terminal master 1Branch 1Tags Code README MIT license Terminal Terminal is a small package that can be used withnode.jsto control terminal output. The package can move the cursor in the terminal and output colored text. It can colorize a message with a simple straightforward ...
Node.js commandline/terminal interface. Easily run simple or sophisticated console/terminal command(s) from Node. Supports sequential and parallel execution. Returns a promise that resolves to an array of exit codes for each command run.
Check the terminal output for messages. Also check theOutputpane in Visual Studio. Watch for instructions to update your version of Node.js. When the app launches successfully, a browser window opens showing the Express app: Debug your app ...
Enter this command in the terminal:Bash Copy node inspect fibonacci.js In the terminal, you should see the debugger prompt displayed. Now, step into the code by running the s + <Enter> until the execution point is located at the beginning of the fibonacci function, like this:...
A curses-like library with a high level terminal interface API for node.js. Blessed is over 16,000 lines of code and terminal goodness. It's completely implemented in javascript, and its goal consists of two things: Reimplement ncurses entirely by parsing and compiling terminfo and termcap, an...