3.编写代码:创建一个名为app.js的文件,并编写以下代码: constexpress =require('express');constfs =require('fs');constpath =require('path');constapp =express();constPORT=3000; app.get('/list-files',(req, res) =>{constfolderPath = path.join(__dirname,'files');// 修改为实际文件夹路径...
3.编写代码:创建一个名为app.js的文件,并编写以下代码: const express = require('express'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const app = express(); const PORT = 3000; app.get('/list-files', (req, res) => { const folderPath = path.join(__dirname, 'file...
3.编写代码:创建一个名为app.js的文件,并编写以下代码: const express = require('express');const fs = require('fs');const path = require('path');const app = express();const PORT = 3000;app.get('/list-files', (req, res) => {const folderPath = path.join(__dirname, 'files'); /...
We then use the "path.join" method to join the directory path and file names, obtaining the full paths of the files. In conclusion, the "fs" module in Node.js provides the "readdir" function that allows developers to list files in a directory. By handling any potential errors and using...
3.编写代码:创建一个名为app.js的文件,并编写以下代码: const express = require('express'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const app = express(); const PORT = 3000; app.get('/list-files', (req, res) => { ...
fs.readdir(directoryPath,(err,files)=>{ if(err){ console.error('Error reading directory:',err); return; } console.log('Files and folders in the directory:',files); }); Benefits of this Approach: Non-blocking: This method is non-blocking, which means it won't pause the Node.js even...
下面是一个详细的案例,展示如何使用Node.js的fs模块创建一个简单的文件浏览器应用,可以列出指定目录中的所有文件和子目录。 步骤1: 初始化项目 首先,创建一个新的文件夹并在其中打开终端,然后执行以下命令来初始化一个新的 Node.js 项目: mkdirfile-browsercdfile-browser ...
this.filesList.push(obj); } }.bind(this)); } //写入文件utf-8格式 this.writeFile=function(data) { fs.writeFile(this.fileName,data,'utf-8',function() { console.log("文件生成成功"); }); } this.formatHandler=function() { var filesList=this.filesList; var strJSON={ "jsFile":{}...
fs.readdir(src, function (err, files) { // files是名称数组,因此 // 可以使用forEach遍历哈, 此处为ES5 JS一点知识 // 如果不清楚,也可以使用for循环哈 files.forEach(function (filename) { // 下面就是文件名称重命名 // API文档中找到重命名的API,如下 ...
We will use the Node.js fs and path core modules to achieve this. We will use the three methods listed below: path.join(): used to create a full file path for the directory you wish to get a list of files for. fs.readdir(directoryPath, callback): used to read all the files in...