server/models/user.js/User.define /** * This method generates a password reset token and sets the token’s deadline to t + 1h */ User.define('generatePasswordResetToken', function () { const user = this const date = new Date() return r.uuid().then(function (uuid) { user.password...
origin: intocode-io/line-api-cli-nodejs bin/operations/things-get-scenario-set-operation.js/ThingsGetScenarioSetOperation/run static async run() { if (!this.validateConfig()) { return false; } const prompts = require('prompts'); const { productId } = await prompts({ type: 'text', ...
gulp.src(`${serverTemplatePath}controller.njk`).pipe(nunjucksRender(nunjucksRenderConfig)).pipe(rename( +'.js')).pipe(gulp.dest(ServerProjectRootPath + CodeGenerateConfig.config.ControllerRelativePath)); AI代码助手复制代码 表示使用 controller.njk 作为模板,nunjucksRenderConfig作为数据(模板内...
MSAL.js 2.0 support Graph API Interaction with app Prerequisites Run the app (Using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code) The simplest way to run this sample in Teams is to use Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. Ensure you have downloaded and installedVisual S...
git clone Then, switch to the appropriate folder:Bash 复制 cd v10 orBash 复制 cd v12 Install dependencies via npm:Bash 复制 npm install This Sample shows how to do following operations of ...
Node.js code examples and launcher. Contribute to docusign/code-examples-node development by creating an account on GitHub.
To run the server, put the code into a file calledexample.jsand execute it with Node.js: $ node example.js Server running at All of the examples in the documentation can be run similarly. Command Line Options ...
通过Site.js与site.handlebars中的代码实现的如下 menu.render,footer.render,好熟悉的节奏,Express视图引擎就是这么写的. 骨架的构成 打开scrat/components/site/site.handlebars,系统由site-menu,site-content,site-footer三部分构成。 1 2 3 4 5 6
NodeJS dev tunnelorngroklatest version or equivalent tunnelling solution Teams Toolkit for VS CodeorTeamsFx CLI Run the app (Using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code) The simplest way to run this sample in Teams is to use Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. ...
Node.js 是一种流行的 Java 运行时,与谷歌 Chrome 浏览器使用相同的 V8 引擎。它是跨平台的,在创建 Web 服务器、构建工具、命令行工具等方面越来越受欢迎。 但是,在我们编写代码并运行它之后,如果出现问题,事情就不会那么清楚了。如果幸运的话,你的代码可能会崩溃并显示一条明显的错误消息。如果你不走运,你的...