compare(v1, v2): Return0ifv1 == v2, or1ifv1is greater, or-1ifv2is greater. Sorts in ascending order if passed toArray.sort(). rcompare(v1, v2): The reverse ofcompare. Sorts an array of versions in descending order when passed toArray.sort(). ...
Koa -- 基于 Node.js 平台的下一代 web 开发框架 简介 Koa 是一个新的 web 框架,由 Express 幕后的原班人马打造, 致力于成为 web 应用和 API 开发领域中的一个更小、更富有表现力、更健壮的基石。 通过利用 async 函数,Koa 帮你丢弃回调函数,并有力地增强错误处理。 Koa 并没有捆绑任何中间件, 而是提...
This includes things like window.Array, window.Promise, etc. It also, notably, includes window.eval, which allows running scripts, but with the jsdom window as the global: const dom = new JSDOM(` document.getElementById("content").append(document.createElement("hr")); `, { runScripts:...
原因:新版的socket.io用法不正确的导致的,官方早已修复,就是没有publish到npm包中 修复方式:把node_modules目录下的pomelo中sioconnector.js(../game-server/node_modules/pomelo/lib/connectors/sioconnector.js) 替换为 替换后再启动ga...
一、Node.js 访问MongoDB 数据库 MongoDB 对许多平台都提供驱动可以访问数据库,如C#、Java、Node.js等。 1.1、安装MongoDB访问驱动 命令如下: 全局安装驱动:npm install mongodb -g 在当前项目中引入:npm install mongodb--save 1.2、连接数据库 const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");//导入依赖对象...
nodejs之setTimeout源码解析 setTimeout是在系统启动的时候挂载的全局函数。代码在timer.js。 代码语言:javascript 复制 functionsetupGlobalTimeouts(){consttimers=NativeModule.require('timers');global.clearImmediate=timers.clearImmediate;global.clearInterval=timers.clearInterval;global.clearTimeout=timers.clearTime...
Make http requests from node.js Supports the Promise API Intercept request and response Transform request and response data Cancel requests Automatic transforms for JSON data 🆕 Automatic data object serialization to multipart/form-data and x-www-form-urlencoded body encodings Client side support for...
default=False, help='do not initialize v8 platform during node.js startup. ' + '(This mode is not officially supported for regular applications)') parser.add_option('--without-bundled-v8', action='store_true', dest='without_bundled_v8', ...
The "Node.js way" is to use streams when possible. You can piperes.bodyto another stream. This example usesstream.pipelineto attach stream error handlers and wait for the download to complete. import{createWriteStream}from'node:fs';import{pipeline}from'node:stream';import{promisify}from'node...
access any nested array and their object// You can also append another array to a nested arrayawaitdb.push("/arraytest/myarray",[[{obj:'test'},{obj:'hello'}],[{obj:'world'}]],true);// This will return the first object (obj: 'test')awaitdb.getData("/arraytest/myarray[0][0]...