Node.js Examples This repository is a collective of opinionated and real-world examples of how you can use Node.js to build things. How This Repository is Structured This repository is structured in a specific way: Top-level directoriesarecategory directoriesof applications - for exampleCLI,server...
The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno. Theoctokitpackage integrates the three main Octokit libraries API client(REST API requests, GraphQL API queries, Authentication) App client(GitHub App & installations, Webhooks, OAuth) ...
node-addon-api: header-only C++ wrapper classes which simplify the use of the C-based Node-API. node-addon-api-addon-class: Similar tonode-addon-api, but deriving from theNapi::Addonclass.1_hello_worldprovides an example. Implementations against unsupported versions of Node.js are provided fo...
我们将使用 Node.js SDK 来将我们的 Node.js 应用连接到API.AI。回到index.js,用你的访问令牌初始化 API.AI: const apiai = require('apiai')(APIAI_TOKEN); 如果你只想在本地运行,你可以在这里硬编码你的 API 密钥。这里有几种方式来设置环境变量,但我通常使用.env文件来声明变量。在 GitHub 中的源码...
Alternatively, you can use theconfigmethod to set yourcloud_name,api_keyandapi_secret, for example: Node.js cloudinary.config({cloud_name:'my_cloud_name',api_key:'my_key',api_secret:'my_secret'}); Important When writing your own applications, follow your organization's policy on storing ...
export class GithubApiService { getUserInfo(userName:string, callBack: (user: User)=>any) { request.get("" + userName, options, (error: any, response: any, body: any) =>{//写法一//let user = new User(JSON.parse(body)); // typeof body == object/...
典型的应用场景,如在 Github 中 Webhook 可以用于执行自动化测试、自动化部署等操作,当代码仓库中的代码发生变更时,可以自动触发 Webhook,从而执行相应的操作。 # DEMO 假设我们有一个在线商店,当有新订单时,我们需要将订单数据同步到第三方财务系统中。我们可以使用 Node.js 实现一个 Webhook 应用程序来实现这个功能...
TypeScript + Node.js 实战 GitHub API #1 项目搭建「02:49」 TypeScript + Node.js 实战 GitHub API #2 安装依赖和发送 API 请求「03:02」 TypeScript + Node.js 实战 GitHub API #3 增加头信息发送 API 请求和命令行格式化 JSON 数据「Pro」「05:09」 ...
mswjs 是一个同时兼容浏览器和 Node 的 API mocking 库,帮助开发者在 API 还没 ready 的情况下,通过 mock 数据进行完美开发。 mswjs 原理(浏览器端)是使用 Service Worker API 拦截(网络层)实际请求实现 API 的请求、响应模拟。 官网地址: ...
nodejs javascript api pagination sorting crud aggregate software-engineering software-development aggregation restful-api filtering grouping mongoose-aggregation nodejsapi mongoose-aggregate Updated Dec 22, 2022 JavaScript thisdot / node-enterprise-setup-shell Star 12 Code Issues Pull requests This is...