Internal Node.js libraries. Node.js itself exports a number of C/C++ APIs that Addons can use — the most important of which is the node::ObjectWrap class. Node.js includes a number of other statically linked libraries including OpenSSL. These other libraries are located in the deps/ direc...
Node API 版本为 v0.10.31。 中文参考: 本段为博主注解。 目录 ● 关于本文档 ○ 稳定性指标 ○ JSON 输出 关于本文档 本文档的目的是既能从参考文档角度也能从概念概览角度综合地解释 Node.js API。每个小节描述了一个内建模块或较之上层的核心模块。 如若合适,属性类...
Documentation for the latest Current release is at Version-specific documentation is available in each release directory in the docs subdirectory. Version-specific documentation is also at
TheGoogle Cloud Common Node.js Client API Referencedocumentation also contains samples. Our client libraries follow theNode.js release schedule. Libraries are compatible with all currentactiveandmaintenanceversions of Node.js. If you are using an end-of-life version of Node.js, we recommend that ...
octokit.js The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno. Theoctokitpackage integrates the three main Octokit libraries API client(REST API requests, GraphQL API queries, Authentication) App client(GitHub App & installations, Webhooks, OAuth) ...
The documentation for the Twilio API can be foundhere. The Node library documentation can be foundhere. Versions twilio-nodeuses a modified version ofSemantic Versioningfor all changes.See this documentfor details. Supported Node.js Versions
apiDoc - Inline documentation for RESTful web APIs. Authentication passport.js - A full suite of authentication libraries. express-jwt -A middleware for checking JWT. express-x-hub - A middleware to protect your webhook endpoints. node-jsonwebtoken CORS express cors - a CORS middleware for expre...
Include Cloudinary's Node.js classes in your code: Important The Node.js SDK upload and admin method syntax examples shown throughout this documentation use thev2signature. To avoid confusion, all code examples are shown in the formatcloudinary.v2... In...
Although Node-API provides an ABI stability guarantee, other parts of Node.js do not, and any external libraries used from the addon may not. In particular, none of the following APIs provide an ABI stability guarantee across major versions: the Node.js C++ APIs available via any of CPPcopy...
Node.js 在本快速入门中,你将使用 Python 部署基本的 Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB 应用程序。 Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB 是一种无架构数据存储,允许应用程序使用 MongoDB 库在云中存储结构化表数据。 你将了解如何使用 Python 在 Azure Cosmos DB 资源中创建文档并执行基本任务。