“WSL:Ubuntu-18.04-Installed”:為了在 Ubuntu 操作系統(WSL)上使用而安裝的擴充功能。 「建議」:VS Code 根據您目前專案中的檔類型所建議的延伸模組。 在[延伸模組] 視窗頂端的搜尋方塊中,輸入:節點延伸模組套件(或您要尋找的任何延伸模塊名稱)。 視您開啟目前專案的位置而定,VS Code 的本機或 WSL 實例將會...
如果你更喜欢在 Linux 环境中使用Node.js,查找性能速度和系统调用兼容性很重要,想要运行利用 Linux 工作区的 Docker 容器,并避免维护 Linux 和 Windows 生成脚本,或者只是喜欢使用 Bash 命令行,则需要在适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统(更具体地说,WSL 2)上安装Node.js。
1、浏览器访问https://gitee.com/vincentRan/open-source-sharing/blob/master/window/ubuntu/n-install,拷贝文件内容 2、进入命令行执行:sudo vim n-install(这里命名不要用n,其他随便) 3、粘贴第一步拷贝的脚本 4、保存后执行:bash n-install Tips: 该方案用到了github地址,貌似得开vpn,我是开了的,可以试...
which advises usingnvm. If you go that route (contrastsudo apt install nodejs npm), then the$PATHcomponent fornodeandnpmis set up via your.bashrc. That means in order to run WSL nodefrom the Windows consolewithwsl.exeper theOP, you'll need an interactive...
Possible install-time or require-time problem I'm running into the same issue as #3870, but I'm running locally in WSL. I have read the documentation relating to installation. Are you using the latest version of sharp? I am using the lat...
When using native modules in WSL, those also need to be built for the Linux platform. You can do that by running the following commands from the Windows shell in the project directory: Copy npm install bash-i-c"npm rebuild"
# step 2$ sudo apt install build-essential# install zlib# get source$ wget http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz# uncompress$ tar-xvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz $ cd zlib-1.2.11$./configure# compile$ make# install$ sudo make install# install python2.7$ wget https://www.python.org/ftp...
Diese Anleitung soll dir helfen, deine Node.js-Entwicklungsumgebung im Windows-Subsystem für Linux (WSL) einzurichten.
Installare in WSL Esegui l’installazione in Windows Esercitazione per principianti Introduzione a React Introduzione a Vue Introduzione a Python Introduzione ad Android Introduzione a C e C++ Introduzione a C# Introduzione a F# Introduzione a Docker Introduzione a PowerShell Introduzione a Rust Docume...
安装参考地址:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/dev-environment/javascript/nodejs-on-wsl?source=recommendations#install-nvm-nodejs-and-npm 2.Linux Ubuntu 安装 二进制方式安装 描述:此处还是安装稳定版本的 node, 其 Linux Binaries (x64) 二进制包下载地址:https://nodejs.org/dist/v16.17...