constsizeOf=require("image-size")sizeOf("images/funny-cats.png",function(err,dimensions){console.log(dimensions.width,dimensions.height)}) NOTE: The asynchronous version doesn't work if the input is a Buffer. Use synchronous version instead. ...
Set the size of the image,if the height is not specified, then scaling based on the current width and height设置图像宽高,如果height未指定,则根据当前宽高等比缩放, 默认采用 bicubic 算法。.width([width])Get width for the image or set width of the image获取或设置图像宽度 .height([height])...
ext = ext.substring(1).toLowerCase();// 过滤非图片格式的文件if(!config.image_exts.includes(ext)) {continue; }// 自动图片质量fromFileSize =NmFs.statSync(currentPath).size;if(config.quantity_config.enable) {for(letkvofconfig.quantity_config.values) {if(fromFileSize > kv.size) { quantity...
Set the size of the image,if the height is not specified, then scaling based on the current width and height设置图像宽高,如果height未指定,则根据当前宽高等比缩放, 默认采用 bicubic 算法。 .width([width]) Get width for the image or set width of the image获取或设置图像宽度 .height([height...
1.本地安装 $ npm install images--save-dev 2.根木录下建入口文件 do.js varimages=require("images");images("input.jpg")//Load image from file//加载图像文件.size(400)//Geometric scaling the image to 400 pixels width//等比缩放图像到400像素宽.draw(images("logo.png"),10,10)//Drawn logo...
// {"input": { "size": 887, "type": "image/png" },"output": { "size": 785, "type": "image/png", "width": 81, "height": 81, "ratio": 0.885, "url": "" }} ...
formData.append('image', document.getElementById('fileInput').files[0]) fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: formData }) .then(response => response.text()) .then(result => { console.log(result) })
Using a single line of code tens of MB (typically 10-50% of the image size) are shaved off Otherwise: The image that will get shipped to production will weigh 30% more due to files that will never get used 🔗 Read More: Clean NODE_MODULE cache 8.14. Generic Docker practices TL;DR...
使用Sharp 包进行 Node.js 图像上传、处理和调整大小 原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-image-upload-processing-and-size-use-sharp-package/ 通常在我们的 web 应用程序中,我们需要存储多种形式和格式的图像,以电子商务原型中产品的个人资料图片或图像
MPSNNBilinearScaleNode(MPSNNImageNode, IMPSImageTransformProvider, MTLSize) MPSNNBilinearScaleNode(NSObjectFlag) 呼叫衍生類別的建構函式,以略過初始化,並只配置 物件。 C# 複製 protected MPSNNBilinearScaleNode (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t); 參數 t NSObjectFlag 未使用的 sentinel 值,傳遞 NSObject...