4068 12 error syscall read 13 error eisdir EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read 13 error eisdir This is most likely not a problem with npm itself 13 error eisdir and is related to npm not being able to find a package.json in 13 error eisdir a package you are trying to ...
我这里就实战修复一下今天运行 react-native 项目开 debug 时遇到一个 Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read 的错误,首先能看到开 debug 时错误输出如下 Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read at Object.readSync (fs.js:524:3) at tryReadSync (fs.js:349:20) at Ob...
当访问的路径是文件夹的时候程序会报错 Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, readEmitted 'error' event on ReadStream instance at: at internal/fs/streams.js:217:14 at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:524:5) { errno: -21, code: 'EISDIR', syscall: 'read...
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read 要增添对目录访问的支持,我们重新整理下响应的步骤: 请求抵达时,首先判断url是否有尾部斜杠 如果有尾部斜杠,认为用户请求的是目录 如果目录存在 如果目录下存在默认页(如index.html),发送默认页 如果不存在默认页,发送目录下内容列表 如果目录不存在,返回404 ...
ERROR EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, readlink 'D:\DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\projectX\node_modules\node-fetch-native\dist\polyfill.mjs' Additional context No response Logs No response Activity Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub.Already have an account?Sign in to comment...
.on('error',err=>{// Delete the file async.fs.unlink(dest);if(cb) {cb(err.message); } }) };// ❌ throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event// ❌ Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directoryconsturl =`https://cdn.xgqfrms.xyz/video/web-testing.mp4`download(url, __dirname,(...
fs.createReadStream 从文件流中读取数据 const fs = require('fs') const fileReadStream = fs.fileReadStream('demo1.js') let count = 0 let str = '' fileReadStream.on('data', chunk => { console.log(`${++count}接收到:${chunk.length}`) str += chunk }) fileReadStream.on('end'...
console.log(error){ [Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read] errno: -21, code: 'EISDIR', syscall: 'read' }非法操作目录... 对错误进行处理else if (error.errno === -21) { //表示非法操作文件夹 response.statusCode = 403 response.end('无权查看目录内容') }继续测试,输入...
XX( 27, ENOTDIR, "not a directory") XX( 28, EISDIR, "illegal operation on a directory") XX( 29, ENONET, "machine is not on the network") XX( 31, ENOTCONN, "socket is not connected") XX( 32, ENOTSOCK, "socket operation on non-socket") ...
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read 要增添对目录访问的支持,我们重新整理下响应的步骤: 请求抵达时,首先判断url是否有尾部斜杠 如果有尾部斜杠,认为用户请求的是目录 如果目录存在 如果目录下存在默认页(如index.html),发送默认页 如果不存在默认页,发送目录下内容列表 如果目录不存在,返回...