Dockerfile-onbuild.template Fixed the onbuild versions 7年前 Dockerfile-slim.template curl: always use --compressed flag 7年前 Dockerfile-stretch.template curl: always use --compressed flag 7年前 Fix few typos [ci skip]
Building from aDockerfilegives you ultimate control over image composition, configuration, and your overall application. However, Node requires very little to function properly. Here’s a barebonesDockerfileto get you up and running (using a pinned, Debian-based image version): 1 FROM node:19-bu...
创建docker image很简单,我们可以使用下面的命令: docker build -t flydean/koa-web-app . 创建完毕之后,我们可以使用docker images来查看刚刚创建好的image : docker images # Example REPOSITORY TAG ID CREATED node 12 1934b0b038d1 5 days ago flydean/koa-web-app latest d64d3505b0d2 1 minute ago 运...
如果你的项目需要多个服务,使用docker-compose是个不错的选择。你只需创建一个docker-compose.yml文件并指定服务配置。 创建docker-compose.yml 在项目根目录下创建docker-compose.yml文件,内容如下: version:'3'services:app:image:node:14.17.0working_dir:/usr/src/appvolumes:-.:/usr/src/appports:-'3000:30...
The following GKE versions are impacted: 1.20.5-gke.100 or later To workaround the issue, use one of the following options: Migrate from Docker to containerd node images. Enable intranode visibiliy for the cluster. Node image source projects ...
使用nodejs构建Docker image最佳实践 创建.dockerignore文件 node的docker image需要注意的事项 简介 docker容器的出现,彻底的改变了应用程序的运行方式,而nodejs同样的也颠覆了后端应用程序的开发模式。两者结合起来,就会产生意想不到的作用。
Upgrades the node image version of an agent pool to the latest. Upgrading the node image version of an agent pool applies the newest OS and runtime updates to the nodes. AKS provides one new image per week with the latest updates. For more details on node image versions, see: https://...
📜 Description The Docker image build fails after creating a new Backstage app. The first error is due to an incompatible node version in the Dockerfile base image. This issue can be resolved by changing the base image tag to node:18-bull... rate limits) Platforms/OS Architecture linux/amd64oramd64 linux/386ori386 linux/arm/v7orarm32v7 linux/arm64orarm64v8 Image Variants/Tags latest Ubuntu 24.04 (noble), Debian 12 (bookworm) on i386 ...
Node Docker tag先来看看node官方的docker镜像有哪些版本。node:<version> 基于Debian,官方默认镜像。当你不确定你需要什么的时候选择这个就对了。这个被设计成可以丢弃的镜像,也就是可以用作构建源码使用。体积挺大。 node:<version>-slim 基于Debian, 删除了很多默认公共的软件包,只有node运行的最小环境。除非你有...