话不多说,上代码,很简单,vscode插件方法vscode.window.onDidChangeWindowState中读取下.nvmrc文件,e.focused表示当vscode窗口显示时触发,切换vscode实例时能够触发,然后调用child_process.exec 运行nvm use vscode-nvmrc代码仓库 点击查看代码 functionresolveRootPathAndNvmuse(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {constworkspa...
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm 1. 2. You can customize the install source, directory, profile, and version using the NVM_SOURCE, NVM_DIR, PROFILE, and NODE_VERSION vari...
Install node/npm and Change version nvm ls nvm install stable|node// 安装最新稳定版 node,现在是 6.3.1nvm install4.4.7// 安装 4.4.7 版本nvm install0.12.12// 安装 0.12.12 版本// 说明:以下模块安装仅供演示说明,并非必须安装模块nvm use node nvm run node--version nvm exec4.2node--version nv...
不过这并不影响vscode插件中实现nvm use功能,只不过了解下.nvmrc是nvm的官方文件 话不多说,上代码,很简单,vscode插件方法vscode.window.onDidChangeWindowState中读取下.nvmrc文件,e.focused表示当vscode窗口显示时触发,切换vscode实例时能够触发,然后调用child_process.exec 运行nvm use vscode-nvmrc代码仓库 点击查看代码...
方法: change~/.npmrc registry = https://registry.npm.taobao.org 方法: cnpm npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org cnpm install [name] 常见问题 nvm install失败 解决方案: 使用国内源 nvm use返回exit status 1: access denied ...
nvm (Node Version Manager) 是一个 Node 版本管理工具,用于管理系统中安装的多个 Node.js 版本,支持在任何符合 POSIX 标准的 Shell
nvm.sh --no-use) to postpone using nvm until you manually use it. You can customize the install source, directory, profile, and version using the NVM_SOURCE, NVM_DIR, PROFILE, and NODE_VERSION variables. Eg: curl ... | NVM_DIR="path/to/nvm". Ensure that the NVM_DIR does not ...
一、https://github.com/TimothyGu/nvmw(nvm的地址,可看下安装的前置条件) 二、git clonegit://github.com/hakobera/nvmw.git(使用git进行安装) 三、在环境变量path中添加nvmw的安装地址 四、安装完成后,打开一个新的cmd,输入nvmw,能够出现nvmw的相关命令 ...
# # This file installs nvm and change Node.JS source on your linux # # --- # Changelog: # # Note that, the '@user' represents the user id of Gitee # # ~> v0.1.0 # <2023-07-20> Gitee追踪的仓库被删除,暂时启用我们的备用仓库 by @ccmywish # <2023-05-09> Check Git first ...
nvm is a version manager fornode.js, designed to be installed per-user, and invoked per-shell.nvmworks on any POSIX-compliant shell (sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash), in particular on these platforms: unix, macOS, and windows WSL. Installing and Updating ...