There appear to be two main possibilities. First, these feelings could be reactions to sexual (and nonthreatening) hallucinations. Individuals have occasionally reported “intruders” or “incubi” that lack the malevolent characteristics usually associated with them and are instead perceived as sexually ...
Sleep staging is essential for evaluating sleep and its disorders. Most sleep studies today incorporate contact sensors that may interfere with natural sleep and may bias results. Moreover, the availability of sleep studies is limited, and many people wi
It is noteworthy that the ancestors of the other common household pet, the dog, were social animals that lived together in packs in which there was subordination to a leader, and, over time, the dog has readily transferred its allegiance from pack leader to human master. The cat, however,...
Abundant Animals: The Most Numerous Organisms in the World Discover 12 Novels Considered the “Greatest Book Ever Written” Inventors and Inventions of the Industrial Revolution Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights Why Does the New Year Start on January 1?
dog, (Canis lupus familiaris), domesticmammalof the familyCanidae(order Carnivora). It is a subspecies of thegray wolf(Canis lupus) and is related tofoxesandjackals. The dog is one of the two mostubiquitousand most popular domestic animals in the world (thecatis the other). For more than...
Instead, like the representative priestesses of the Late Moche period, bats formed part of a visual repertoire to depict the cycles of destruction and renewal that permitted the cosmological continuation of life within North Coast Moche society. Keywords: bats; non-human animals; Moche; moon ...
Although songbirds include some of the best songsters, such as thrushes, some have harsh voices like crows, and some do little or no singing. Songbirds are distinguished from other perching birds by certain anatomical characteristics, especially the more complicated vocal organ, or syrinx. Why don...
However, there is also evidence that some animals will use both cognitive maps based on the season [13,14] and distance to the goal [15]. Studies on spatial memory and foraging conducted across primate taxa showed that route-based maps are the most used form of cognitive map [16,17], ...
amphibian, (class Amphibia), any member of the group ofvertebrateanimalscharacterizedby their ability to exploit both aquatic and terrestrialhabitats. The nameamphibian, derived from the Greekamphibiosmeaning “living a double life,” reflects this dual life strategy—though some species are permanent ...
amphibian, (class Amphibia), any member of the group ofvertebrateanimalscharacterizedby their ability to exploit both aquatic and terrestrialhabitats. The nameamphibian, derived from the Greekamphibiosmeaning “living a double life,” reflects this dual life strategy—though some species are permanent ...