但是这款新出的售价299元的猫头鹰NF-A12还是很不错的,兼顾噪音与性能表现,在相同的噪音下有更大的风量,虽然贵一些,但如果你想买猫头鹰12cm的风扇,我还是推荐买这款。 猫头鹰 ( noctua)NF-A12x25 PWM 12cm风扇(智能温控 京东 ¥269.00 去购买 猫头鹰 ( noctua)NF-A12x25 PWM 12cm风扇(智能温控 京东 ¥269....
猫头鹰 ( noctua)NF-A12x25 PWM 12cm风扇(智能温控 京东 ¥269.00 去购买
Noctua's long awaited NF-A12x25 fan hits the market with a bang in more ways than one. With more features than I can count with my fingers, all of which have been used to optimize performance and acoustics, it is a fan that makes no excuses about the lac
Noctua猫头鹰NF-A12x25 PWM 120mm机箱散热风扇以其高效静音的特性在市场上备受好评。这款风扇采用了最新技术,不仅能够有效降低电脑内部温度,还能确保电脑稳定运行,提升整体性能。其SSO2轴承技术来自NOCTUA,保证了风扇的强大稳定性,并且支持PWM速度控制(4Pin),使得风扇能够根据实际需要调节转速,以达到最佳...
Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM chromax.black.swap, Premium Quiet Fan, 4-Pin (120mm, Black) NZ$69.25 NZ$69.00 NZ$9.00 Shipping Add to cart Overview Specs Reviews (1) The NF-A12x25r is a round-frame version of Noctua's award-winning flagship model 120mm NF-A12x25 fan. Its round shape ...
Noctua NF-A12x25r PWM, Round-frame 120mm Fan, 4-Pin (Brown) 128.95SR 144.34SR Shipping Add to cart Overview Specs Reviews (93) Noctua's flagship model NF-A12x25 has established itself as a true deluxe choice when it comes to premium-quality quiet 120mm fans. Various state-of-the-...
noctua NF-A12x25 PWM 12cm风扇(智能温控/4针冷排风扇/水冷排散热风扇 2000 PWM ),散热器,猫头鹰风扇的确算是风扇界的劳斯莱斯了。永远属于猫头鹰的配色,黄色加棕色,看起来也挺顺眼的。没有灯光,...
Blade Quantity: 9 Bearing Type: Ball Bearing Fan Life: 100,000 hrs Power Interface: 4PIN Used For: case cooling Fan Speed: 450 - 2000 RPM **Advanced Cooling Performance** The Noctua NF A12x25r PWM 120mm 12v Cooling fan is an essential component for any computer enthusiast looking to opti...
这款noctua 猫头鹰 NF-A12x25 PWM 120mm 机箱散热风扇,因其高效静音、性能卓越的特点而备受青睐。它采用了先进的轴承专利技术,不仅能够应对各种背压情况,还能保持低噪音水平。这款风扇还支持PWM速度控制,集成SCD技术,并享有长达6年的质保期,因此,它是一款非常值得购买的产品。这款风扇适用于多种...
📷作者:@grey_ghost_ccc 将 Noctua 的产品与 ProArt 产品完美结合。 🌟散热器:NH-U12A黑色,仅需要考虑机箱cpu散热器限高大于158mm的强悍风冷散热器。 🌟机箱风扇:NF-A12x25 PWM黑色,最高转速 2000 RPM,气流 102,1 m³/h,静压 2,34 mm H₂O,噪音仅有 22,6 dB(A),只看这些参数就已经明白其...