The battery connected to it went dead. I went back and forth via email with Chris G, NOCO Customer Support Supervisor, for a week without resolution. I don't know if the NOCO Genius 1 is bad by design or if I simply received a bad one, but I know NOCO Customer Support is terrible...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...
28. The vehicle's electrical system (including the battery), the wireless service provider's signal and a connected mobile phone must all be available and operating for 911 Assist to function properly. These systems may become damaged in a crash. The paired mobile phone must be connected to ...