2007年3月13日,Financial Times刊登了一篇署名文章:“The new Seven Sisters: oil and gas giants dwarf western rivals”(新的七姊妹:石油和天然气巨头使西方竞争对手相形见绌)。此文一出,全球石油界为之震动。直到现在,十多年过去了,此文仍不断被提及,为业界人士所津津乐道。 此文系长期跟踪能源行业...
NOC 7331 石油和固体燃料加热技工 Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics NOC 7332 家电服务商和维修工 Appliance servicers and repairers NOC 7333 电气技师 Electrical mechanics NOC 7334 摩托车,全地形车和其他相关技师 Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics NOC 7335 其他小型发动机和小型...
8412 石油和天然气钻井工和服务操作员 Oil and Gas Well Drilling Workers and Services Operators 842 测井和林业工人 Logging and Forestry Workers 8421 链锯和集材机操作员 Chain Saw and Skidder Operators 8422 造林和林业工人 Silviculture and Forestry Workers 843 农业和园艺工人 Agriculture and Horticulture Wor...
822 监督员、采矿、石油和天然气(Supervisors, Mining, Oil and Gas ) 823地下矿工、石油和天然气钻井及相关工人(Underground Miners, Oil and Gas Drillers and Related Workers ) 824 伐木机械运营商(Logging Machinery Operators ) 825 农业、园艺和水产养殖承建商、经营者和监事会(Contractors, Operators and Sup...
oil and gasnational oil companiesDecisions regarding the creation and management of National Oil Companies (NOC) can be appreciated within the general context of government intervention in the economy. Its degree tends to change over time in response to exogenous (e.g. geopolitics, economy) and ...
822 监督员、采矿、石油和天然气(Supervisors, Mining, Oil and Gas ) 823 地下矿工、石油和天然气钻井及相关工人(Underground Miners, Oil and Gas Drillers and Related Workers ) 824 伐木机械运营商(Logging Machinery Operators ) 825 农业、园艺和水产养殖承建商、经营者和监事会(Contractors, Operators and ...
822 监督员、采矿、石油和天然气(Supervisors, Mining, Oiland Gas )823 地下矿工、石油和天然气钻井及相关工人(Underground Miners, Oil andGasDrillers and Related Workers )824 伐木机械运营商(Logging Machinery Operators)825 农业、园艺和水产养殖承建商、经营者和监事会(Contractors, OperatorsandSupervisors in ...
001 议员和高级管理人员(Legislators and SeniorManagement) 011 行政服务管理(Administrative Services Managers) 012 金融和商业服务经理(Managers in Financial and BusinessServices) 013 通信经理(除广播)(Managers in Communication(Except Broadcasting) 021 工程、建筑、科学和信息系统经理(Managers in Engineering, Arc...
001 议员和高级管理人员(Legislators and Senior Management) 011 行政服务管理(Administrative Services Managers) 012 金融和商业服务经理(Managers in Financial and Business Services) 013 通信经理(除广播)(Managers in Communication (Except Broadcasting)
10.加工、制造和公用事业行业(对应9OCCUPATIONSUNIQUETOPROCESSING,MANUFACTURINGANDUTILITIES) 详细职业列表如下: NOC 0类职位 NOC 0011 立法会议员 Legislator NOC 0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员 Senior government managers and officials NOC 0013 高级管理人员-财务,通信和其他商业服务Senior managers-financial, communi...